iPhone FCC Letter – FAKE

Well, some of you already pegged this, but Engadget is now reporting that the whole iPhone FCC letter was a fake. Click on the image for a closer look. Basically this was photoshopped version of the letter Apple sent to the FCC about the Airport Extreme. Still..if you guessed it a fake because of the…

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New iPhone Apps for July 28, 2008

The App Store saw several updates over the weekend. Many updates for applications are starting to be pushed through the store – which is an issue that many developers have reportedly complained about. As the kinks continue to get ironed out of the App Store, I still find myself hopelessly addicted to it…how about you?…

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Apple Responds to NBC: By DROPPING the new Fall Season of NBC Shows!!!

Apple has just issued the following press release: Apple® today announced that it will not be selling NBC television shows for the upcoming television season on its online iTunes® Store (www.itunes.com). The move follows NBC’s decision to not renew its agreement with iTunes after Apple declined to pay more than double the wholesale price for…

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smoke detector iPhone

Fancy a Smoke Detector iPhone?

Another patent was awarded to Apple last week, one which may prove to be one of the most useful features of the iPhone (and other devices) if it ever gets implemented. Apple and Cisco have recently unveiled a partnership between them, which “is aimed at helping Apple’s mobile devices communicate more effectively on corporate networks…

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