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Write for Us

Write for us

Table of Contents

[Important:  Kindly contact us for the requirements of publishing sponsored posts on this site]

Hello writers,

Do you have a story to tell or knowledge to share with our audience or want to Write For Us?  If so, welcome home.  The community welcomes content creators from different spheres across the world who are interested in “Write For Us”.

People are excited about electronic gadgets and social media networks.  People store a lot of information on these tiny devices.  Actually, electronic devices and social platforms have become people’s day-to-day life.

As a result, we have built our community on electronic devices from Apple and social media networks.  People visit this website looking for successful stories, tips, news, experiences, and resources to help them interact with their iDevices.  They are interested in trending topics on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Pinterest, etc.  It’s, therefore, our dream to connect with writers who can generate unique and top-quality content to meet our audience’s needs and expectations.

We provide writers, influencers, and brands an amazing opportunity and a platform to share their content.  These articles will get broader visibility because our site has a large follower base across the globe.

So then, submit your application to “Write For Us” or publish sponsored posts or guest posts on our homepage at competitive rates.  Even so, we prioritize quality over quantity, and we expect the same from you.

What You Can Post on Our Website is dedicated to social media marketing and electronics as well as their stories or news.  Our primary focus is Apple products, features, accessories, apps, events, tips, etc.  However, we also welcome stories about Android and Windows devices.

Our goal is to partner with writers or authors who can create and publish original, high-quality articles highlighting the challenges users experience when operating certain iDevices like iPhones, iPad, Mac, smartwatches, Apple TVs, or smartphones and computers using a different operating system from iOS.

We also publish experiences, tips, and guidelines for running successful social media marketing campaigns.  This is key because brands are concerned about how they can use digital marketing to reach their target audience.  It’s our objective to provide them with insights on how they can find and engage with their potential customers on these networks.

Guidelines to Follow While You “Write for Us”

Unique Content

Internet users are looking for new ideas, the latest news, and trends.  They want to interact with content with captivating titles and rich information.  Such content encourages reading and motivates our site visitors to interact with us through comments and subscriptions.   Hence we’re interested in unique and out-of-box content, for it helps our site stand out from our peers.

You can reach us if you have fresh ideas and captivating stories to share with our followers.  It may be helpful to go through our website to see what sort of content we publish.  This will give you an idea of what we expect from you.

Simplicity and Evoke Curiosity

Although you may have a broad content idea, taking a narrow and simple approach can be much helpful.  For example, “How to sync my apple devices” is a general topic but narrowing it down to “How can I sync my iPhone and Mac” can be more helpful to our readers seeking precise solutions.

In fact, readers want to find solutions to their problems as fast as possible.  Taking a broad approach doesn’t give them what they’re looking for instantly because they have to read a lot more before finding what they are looking for.

You can evoke curiosity and captivate our readers so that they can keep on reading to the end using the following tips.

Use a Powerful and Compelling Title: This incites readers to click on the article, read the subtitles, first sentence, the next sentence, and so on, up to the end of the post.

Ask a Question: Readers are eager to discover answers to questions, so they will keep reading until they find them.  You can ask them questions like, “Want to know the best part?”, “So what’s the point?”, “What does this mean for you?” or “What’s the bottom line?” Answer these questions using statements such as, “Here’s a clue,” “Yes, you’re right.  Here’s why,” or “The correct answer might surprise you.”

Speak Directly to Your Readers: This is a fantastic method to use when creating a sales article or page.  It’s important to anticipate objections about the product or services you’re highlighting in your sponsored post.  You can use statements like “You might be wondering…”, “I know what you’re thinking  .”You may empathize with your readers and transition into your own story using statements like “I know what that feels like” and “I’ve been there too.”

Sponsored Posts

We accept sponsored posts from brands and influencers looking to increase their visibility.  Our rates are competitive, and we share your content across our networks.  The cost of publishing your sponsored post on our site is not an advertising fee for your brand.  Instead, it’s the cost we incur growing a strong brand name among our followers and subscribers.

We accept Guest posts only for sponsored posts or paid links at competitive rates.  Please contact us via the form at the end of this page.

What You Can’t Publish on Our site

Promotional Content

Our readers love reading independent reviews, but they ignore overly promotional content.  Yet, you can capture their attention when you provide honest reviews and value about the sponsoring brand or its products and services.  Such sponsored content builds the credibility of our site and that of the sponsoring brand.

So if you’re going to “Write for Us,” you must use this opportunity to showcase your knowledge and expertise in the field that is of interest to our readers.  Please note that our readers are looking for tips, news, latest trends, reviews about electronics, social media, lifestyle, health, fitness, and the like, but not ads, offers, or sales.

Published Content

We only accept unique and original content that has not been published elsewhere, including our site or another.

Plagiarized Content

We don’t accept copied content.  Honestly, this is a serious violation of the author’s rights and our policy.  Avoid such mistakes by giving proper credit, citations, or quoting the source where you got the information you included in your article.  If not so, we will deactivate and ban your accounts permanently.

Fake Information

Your content should be free of misleading information and statistics to write for us.  Use reliable information from authoritative sites and give credit to the source.


We don’t accept articles with images due to copyright issues.  We prefer to add them on our end.  Alternatively, we can request pictures if we’re publishing content about your brand or products.

Individual Profiles

We don’t publish individual profiles of company founders or executives.

Guidelines for Article Submission

Select Topics: Go through our website to write for us and see what we publish.  Next, choose three compelling topics that you would want to talk about.  Craft captivating titles and submit them for review.

Generate Content: Write For Us an in-depth article using the approved topics or titles.  Submit a Google doc so that our editors can provide feedback on the draft.  Your article should be at least 500 words and have subtitles with proper headers, i.e., H1, H2.  Further, the post should be 100% original and has a small brief about your article.  Include the author’s short bio and personal photo.

Approval: We review requests and article submissions within 2 business days and communicate the approval or rejection via email.  Once approved, the content will go live within a week and automatically email you a link to the post.

Revisions: We don’t accept revisions on published articles.  However, we can initiate edits from our end if it’s highly required.

Who Else Can Write for Us?

We accept content from freelancers, professional writers, individual writers, or companies.  However, we prioritize content from startup founders, bloggers, and content creators with in-depth knowledge instead of general topics.

Your writing style should demonstrate that you have the authority or hands-on experience in that niche.  The content should be unique and helpful to “write for us”.

What is Guest Posting, and What Are Its Benefits?

Guest posting refers to the practice of contributing content to other brands’ blogs or websites related to your niche or market.  That means the guest author or contributor submits content to the publisher.  Guest posting is a safe and sure way to boost rankings as well as gain a new audience.

Many websites allow authors to submit sponsored posts or guest postings.  In fact, they have a dedicated page for such articles named “Write for Us.”

Guest writers are encouraged to approach sites working on their industry or niche and request to submit their articles.  Some of the benefits of investing in guest posting include:

Immediate Exposure to Targeted Traffic: Your top-quality post will drive traffic to your site.  Traffic is the heart of any online business or blog.  Guesting posting can translate into sales when done in the right way.

Fosters a Community of Contributors: Guest posting connects you with other contributors and influencers working in similar niches.  This may allow you to participate in an email thread where they brainstorm specific topics.  It can also give you an opportunity to collaborate with others, co-author posts, expert interviews, or cross-promotion or “write for us”.

Grows Social Media Following: It increases social media shares of your posts, boosts following, and accelerates lead generation.  Contributing content to an authoritative blog improves how your followers perceive you.

Improve Brand Awareness: Guest blogging establishes your authority in the target niche or industry.  You can make it even better by sharing hands-on experiences or practical tips that your followers can’t find elsewhere.

As mentioned above, both the contributor and the hosting website benefit from “Write for Us,” guest posting, or sponsored posts.

Digital Marketing Reasons Why Businesses Should Consider Guest Posting

Creating content for other brands enables you to reach your target audience, boost SEO, and climb up the SERP.  Indeed, guest posting bolsters your marketing efforts because it allows your business name to appear on another site.  It also helps it engage with a broader audience that might never have heard about it.   This will enable you to grow your revenue as your audience base widens.

Other benefits include:

  • Obtain more natural backlinks
  • Increase referral traffic
  • Boost brand exposure
  • Grow Social Media Following

How to Get Started will give you a good foundation and help you succeed in sponsored posts or guest postings.

Reach out to us by filling out below contact form to “Write For Us”.  You will receive feedback before the end of the day.

Picture of Purity Muriuki

Purity Muriuki

I'm a passionate full-time blogger. I love writing about startups, technology, health, lifestyle, fitness, electronics, social media marketing and much more. Continue reading my articles for more insight.

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