Does (Screen) Size Matter?

Seems like everyone’s got an opinion on the rate of innovation of smartphones these days. Samsung’s just announced its next Galaxy S phone, which comes with several new features. But for many users, the feature that trumps them all is the Galaxy S’ huge screen. It begs the question: Is screen size really that important?

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Prey is coming to the iPhone

Game developer 3D Realms has announced that they will be releasing their title Prey for the iPhone. IGN has a preview of the game, and it looks nice. The controls are actually overlaid on the screen (you can see them in the screenshot above), and IGN says they will take a little getting used to,…

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Top 10 Apple Commercials

Welcome to – to keep up with all the latest news on iPhones, iPod, Macs and more click here to subscribe to our RSS feed. The popular “Get a Mac” ads, are only the most recent example of Apple’s excellence when it comes to their advertising. Since the company’s inception, the advertising for Apple…

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twitter clients for macOS

Best Twitter Clients for macOS

Modern Twitter is a largely mobile platform. The Twitter application ecosystem reflects this. You’ll see the broadest selection of Twitter clients for iOS, but what about desktop Twitter clients for macOS? There are some options, with a few stand-out hits available. Twitterific After a long hiatus, Twitterific has finally returned to the Mac, taking it’s…

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