How Do Encryption Algorithms Keep You Safe Online?

The Internet as we know it required modern online cryptography algorithms. Without these algorithms, secure communication across the public channels of the Internet would be close to impossible. By providing an easy way to hide information from prying eyes, modern cryptography algorithms allow private communications, online banking, and digital shopping to take place all across…

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Every Steve Jobs Video, Ever A serious Mac enthusiast (who apparently prefers to remain anonymous) has put up on YouTube the most exhaustive collection of Steve Jobs videos you’ll ever see. It’s quite the treasure trove, and includes some cool compilation videos as well.

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Say Hello to the new Macbook Pros

Apple today announced updates to the Macbook Pro line. The new MacBook Pros utilize the Santa Rosa chipset and come in the following flavors: 2.2GHz Core 2 Duo. 2GB RAM, 120GB HD, 15″ LED. GeForce 8600M GT 128MB – $1999 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo. 2GB RAM, 160GB HD, 15″ LED. GeForce 8600M GT 256MB –…

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