IMPULSIVE REVIEW of the iPhone Application “Discovery Channel”

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The Discovery Channel has made it from the 32-inch LCD television screens to the miniature displays of the mobile phones bouncing around the inside of pockets everywhere. The application takes the innovative educational programs like “Shark Week 2009” and makes them portable.

With the “Discovery” App. for the iPhone, the television channel is available for free. Sift through the innumerable videos, as if screening for gold in a vast mine’s archive. There are innumerable videos of the shows “Deadliest Catch” and “MythBusters” as well as random things like “Destroyed in Seconds: Flaming Steeple Collapse” and they are updated daily.

Do you like to watch the show that pits “Man vs. Wild”? If you do, then look no further for on September 15, 2009 “Man vs. Wild: Tarantula Breakfast” was posted for the sheer sake of the education and entertainment of mobile viewers.

If a little downtime is a void needing filling then this great feature of the Discovery Channel could scratch the thinking person’s, non-thinking person’s, or pioneer person’s itch. There is no label needed; the Discovery Channel is now everyone’s.

Grade: A

Discovery Channel
Discovery Channel

Picture of RJ Huneke

RJ Huneke

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