WANTED Poster For iPhone Pics Made by Framed! App

Table of Contents

The instant background framing application for photographs taken on the iPhone is here! With three touches of the screen one can use a photo for a WANTED poster, complete with a customizable REWARD, and then upload it onto FaceBook or Email it!

The “Framed! Lite” App is a Must Have for iPhone owners who use their camera! This free application has seventeen creative photograph frames that instantly incorporate pictures taken on the iPhone.

This App could not be any easier to use! Open it and choose an FBI Top Secret File to place a picture inside, and then choose to save the pic to the iPhone, send it via email, or upload onto FaceBook instantaneously!

The “Framed! Lite” App is incredibly fun and addictive. Put friends pictures on real life photographs that are of billboards stating: “CALL ME.” This application could get this writer into some real trouble as I think of the innumerable possibilities for fun here.

Want to be on the cover of a record in a record store? Want to be on the TV screen? Want to recreate a yearbook photo? It is all possible on the “Framed! Lite” App!

These are the same backgrounds people go into tourist shops to pay all kinds of money to have done, so why not just utilize the excellent camera in the iPhone and this free application?

Enjoy the superimposing!

IMPULSIVE Review Grade: A+

Picture of RJ Huneke

RJ Huneke

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