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5 Reasons Why Promotional Companies Should Use Artwork Management Systems

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Artwork management system is a web-based software that helps companies to manage their artwork and other design assets. It has many benefits for promotional companies. Let’s see 5 reasons why promotional companies should use an artwork management system.

Artwork management system is a software that helps promotional companies to manage their artwork. It can help with the following:

– Finding and sourcing artwork for clients

Artwork is an important part of any design, and it can be difficult to find the right piece for your client. Luckily, there are plenty of sites that specialise in finding artwork for you.

This section will cover some of the best sources to find artwork for your clients. You’ll learn about where to look, what sites are available, and how to find the perfect image for your client.

 The first place you should start is a stock photo site like Shutterstock or Getty Images. These sites have millions of images on them that you can use in different projects around the web. They also offer a wide variety of images so you can easily find something that fits your needs.

 If you want more flexibility with your search, then there are other options like Unsplash or Pexels which offer free images under Creative Commons licences from a wide range of photographers and artists. These sites have many different types of photos available for download,

– Ensuring that all the artwork is up-to-date with any changes made in the company

It is important for a company to ensure that all the artwork is up-to-date with any changes made in the company. One way to do this is by using a tool called Artwork Manager. This software allows you to upload all the artwork and then it will send you email alerts whenever there are new versions of your images.

Another way to make sure that all the artwork is up-to-date with any changes made in the company, you can use an online file storage system such as Dropbox or Google Drive. You can use these tools by uploading a folder of files and then checking back periodically to see if there are any new versions of those files.

– Tracking who has access to what artwork

In the past, tracking who has access to what artwork was a difficult task. This is because there was no centralised system that allowed you to see who had edited the file and when they did it.

With an artwork management system, it’s easy to monitor and track all your assets in one place. You can see who has access to a file, when they accessed it, and what changes they made. Artwork management system also makes it easy for you to restore files if someone accidentally deletes them.

– Allows you to save time:

In this era of digital marketing, time is your most valuable resource. An artwork management system will help you to save time by automating repetitive tasks and allowing you to quickly find the right graphic or logo with a few clicks.

Increases efficiency: 


An artwork management system will allow you to centralise all your company’s design assets in one place, making it easier for employees to find what they need. This will also make it easier for the company’s designers and marketers as they can work collaboratively on the same files from any location at any time, which increases efficiency and productivity.


Artwork management systems are a great way for promotional companies to save time and money. They can help you keep track of your artwork, send items to the right people, and keep track of your inventory. In conclusion, artwork management systems are a valuable tool for any promotional company.


Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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