10 Things To Do After You’ve Made the Switch From PC to Apple

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Mac vs PC 3

So you’ve made the switch. You decided to junk your old PC laptop for a brand spanking new Apple laptop. As you stare lovingly at the newly delivered box (or maybe you bought it yourself at an Apple Store) in your house, you wonder, “What now?”

Here are a few things a new Mac User can do:

  • Take un-boxing photos, in all the possible steps and angles, and blog about it. You’re a Mac user now! Enjoy the life of not worrying too much whether you’re going to get infected by a virus (for now) or when your next BSOD will be.
  • Calibrate your battery. As a new Mac user, you will understand the obsession about battery life. Read up on how to calibrate your battery.
  • Register your unit online at the Apple website. Also enroll your Apple Care if you decided to get one.
  • Run the Software Update. Updating with Apple is free and hassle-free!
  • Personalize. Set up your iCal, Apple Mail and Address Book. Change the desktop and screensaver. Create an admin User account.
  • Install QuickSilver. The best app launcher around. Eliminate the need for the numerous clicks before you get to launch an app. Clean up your dock as well and place only important icons since you won’t be using it much if you have QuickSilver installed.
  • Install iStat and SMC Fan Control. iStat is a good enough app that helps you monitor your system, from the temperature to the processes running. You’ll also understand the obsession about keeping your Apple laptops cool and you’re going to need the SMC Fan Control for that.
  • Research on Mac accessories. What’s the best laptop sleeve around? Do you want an Speck crystal case? Should you use a keyboard saver? Once you’ve decided, buy them ASAP, especially the case so you can protect your new Apple laptop while traveling from one place to another.
  • Make several copies of the install disc and keep in a safe place. If the original install disks get broken or lost, at least you have a copy still. Try to make an image of the install disk if you can and save on an external hard drive.
  • Start saving for your next Apple machine or product. Trust me. You’ll want more.
Picture of Lia Espina

Lia Espina

3 thoughts on “10 Things To Do After You’ve Made the Switch From PC to Apple

  1. Actually if you purchase AppleCare with a computer at the same time the system is automatically enrolled. The only time you need to enroll it is if you purchase AppleCare after purchasing the system.

    1. @John Gibson, I thought that’s the SOP. But here in the Philippines, you have to enrol it yourself. I assumed that store enrolled the ACP the same time when I bought the system. But they didn’t. I ran into some hassle when my machine needed repairs after the 1 year mark and they said it was out of warranty, even tho I bought ACP. I had to go to the store and request for my official receipts and proof of purchase since I already misplaced them. So better to not assume and check if you’re ACP was registered or not.

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