iPhone App Reviews coming – get your requests in now!

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This week, and probably next week as well, are going to be dedicated to iPhone Application reviews. Many sites pumped out a paragraph about various games or applications on the iPhone when the store launched, but I don’t want to do that.

I want to review the applications like we would any other software on any other platform. I don’t think that the iPhone games are “cell phone games” and I don’t think that they should be played with for two or three minutes and reviewed based on that.

Sure, some of them are – many of them couldn’t be reviewed in much detail (the flashlight apps, for instance), but there are some great applications that we can do in-depth reviews of, and those are the ones I’ll be focusing on.

So, I wanted to throw the ball to you guys to see what applications you want to see reviewed. Either leave a comment below or contact me and let me know what you’d like to see. If you’re a developer and you’d like me to take a look at one of your applications I’d be happy to give it a look…time permitting.

Reviews start tomorrow with Super Monkey Ball.

Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

12 thoughts on “iPhone App Reviews coming – get your requests in now!

  1. How about SplashMoney?

    I was hoping for an iPhone version of Quicken but will gladly switch to SplashMoney if it’s the only Finance App for iPhone.

  2. There are several drawing/painting apps to choose from . . . I’d love to see you review and compare some of these.

    No.2 4.99 [www.lintlabs.com]
    – It uses a pencil prop to get better precision . . . that might work great. No color yet though. Maybe drawing with this and rendering color with iGraffiti would make the best looking art?

    iGraffiti 4.99 [www.stone.com]
    – It has transparency and tapered lines which are nice. Best looking art examples.

    Sketches 7.99 [sketchesapp.com]
    – Looks basic, no transparency, not much info available on website.

    NetSketch 7.99 [www.netsketchapp.com]
    – Interesting features like vector and collaborative drawing . . . but example drawings look blah.

  3. Excellent idea! Thanks Michael 🙂 Also re: Flashlight: Some flashight apps are brighter than others! Go figure! Could you take a look at Shazzam and Zed Pinball? Cheers – Terry – Australia

  4. Review the “Bible” app put out by lifechurch.tv’s yourversion.com. I’d like to see a review done by a non-religious centric site.

  5. @ Spacedoggy –

    Check out MYLITE – its in the APP Store for FREE.

    You can chose which color you want for the light, and can also chose a STROBE and TRIPPIN’ option (which will be cool for concerts).

    GREAT little APP – adds more than just a light to your iPhone.

  6. like the drawing apps, there are a number of “speech/thought bubble” comic-book style apps. i’d like to see a comparison of those:

    comic touch
    and… maybe:
    mr shuffles

  7. Review the DataCase iPhone App alongside Files and FileMagnet. I’ve been using DataCase and it works great, I’m wondering if “Files” is any better. FileMagnet makes you download a desktop app, I don’t like that.

  8. Hey!
    Could you review Palringo please? I have the lite version and its awesome! You can access all of your social networking accounts from the one pogram and I’ve heard that they are working on incorporating Skype!! 🙂 I’d like to know if its worth splashing the extra cash and going for the paid version?


  9. I usually get my app reviews over at Apps Patrol but if you guys are serious about it I may just have to switch allegiances, as it were.

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