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What App Riddles the iPhone?

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Read the answer to many intriguing questions in the free “Riddles” application for the iPhone. Hours of intelligent and, at times hilarious, fun can be perused with swipes on the screen.

“A certain crime is punishable if attempted but not punishable if committed. What is it? –babblingbrooke

“Answer: suicide.”

This composition of millions of riddles is clever and diverse; there are short riddles, long riddles, funny ones, dramatic ones and, of course, awful ones. Riddles randomly appear on the iPhone upon opening, and the user can choose to see the answer to the provocative query, or push to go to the next one.

There is also a rating at the bottom of the screen that gives a number to those who voted for thumbs up or down for each particular riddle. If the user pushes either hand then the vote is recorded and informs them that they have successfully done so, and then the App instantly brings up the next bright quip.

The only detriment to the “Riddles” App is this: Upon opening, the application gives you a pop-up window asking if the user would like to: “Download Weird Laws For FREE!!!” Though harmless, this is annoying and an abnormal addition to an iPhone App, which could have been done without. “Riddles” is great, so for constant users I might just download the other damn App too, just to shut it up!

IMPULSIVE Review Grade: B+

Picture of RJ Huneke

RJ Huneke

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