With Apple churning out iPhones faster than your carrier contract runs out, it is unavoidable that you lag behind with regard to some features. If you’re using the iPhone 4s or 5 (or 5c) and you like playing around with video, then you might be missing one cool feature of the iPhone 5s – slow motion.
Fortunately, there is a way around that, and it’s called Slo-Mo Mod.
This app gives you the ability to horse around by shooting videos in slow motion, although you shouldn’t expect the same quality as what the iPhone 5s gives. Still, 60FPS is still decent.
Bottom line: at least you have slow motion if you really want this feature without having to buy an iPhone 5s.
The downside: you need a jailbroken device.
If you’re hellbent on getting some slow motion action on your iPhone, here is a video that can help you get there faster.
If you’ve got that down pat, then you simply have to go to Cydia and download the app from the BigBoss repository.
If you need help in jailbreaking your iPhone, here’s some help. Of course, heed the usual warnings about the dangers of jailbreaking your iOS device, yadda yadda.
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