Super iMario Sounds App on the iPhone

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Have you ever been witness to a friend finally achieving a victory in a game, and you wanted to give them something better than applause?

Have you ever witnessed a loved one make a complete ass of themselves in a silent room, and you wanted to loudly play the “Mario Dies” sound from the first “Super Mario Brothers” video game?

The free “iMario Lite – Super Mario Sounds” App brings to the iPhone the iconic “Coin Collected” dings, “Stomping” noises, fireball thunks, stomping dunks and jumping sounds from the legendary “Super Mario Brothers” Nintendo games!

Simply fire up the App and press the two dimensional icons, from Mario on, and listen to the loud sound effects that arise from one’s iPhone. There are nine vintage sound clips available in the free “iMario Lite” App, and there are twenty-one more in the “iMario” application, for a dollar, and the premium version also allows the user to shake the iPhone and shoot fireballs (only on the screen of course)!

This App has been amongst the Top Downloads in the App Store for weeks, and it truly is too fun to pass up for free. Where else can you get an instant clip of the brick smashing noise, the enticing “1 up Mushroom,” the marvelous Mario jumping sound, or the energetic effect of the “Invincible Star?”

The only discernable limitation here is that the user cannot send these great sound clips in emails or on social networking applications.

IMPULSIVE Review Grade: B+

Picture of RJ Huneke

RJ Huneke

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