Watch out Kenny! Welcome the South Park kids onto the game show Mega Millionaire.
As the hot pink haired Japanese game show host says on the “South Park FREE†application: “Here we make young greedy contestants on roller skates put their life in danger for petty sums of money!â€
The most famous four South Park inhabitants, Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny, arrive on the television obstacle course in order to help earn some cold cash…in Yen. The catch is that the show is meant to humiliate and maim its contestants along the way toward earning a meager winning.
The “South Park FREE†App uses the actual South Park cartoon’s voices and images, as the kids are strapped to wayward skates and placed on what looks like a giant and dangerous board game. Disgusting, suicidal and sumo wrestler based traps are placed around the board that leads to the ultimate prize: 10,000 Yen (which the kids do not realize is not a lot of money…yet).
The controls are simple: tilt the iPhone and move Cartman to the side that is turned, while pressing on the screen causes the big boned elementary school student from Colorado to jump on the glowing Japanese board.
Playing the “South Park FREE†App one would never know that they were not in the show, so get it here[iTunes link]! The voices, backgrounds and kick ass Kenny deaths make the game ridiculously authentic, especially for a free iPhone offer. Enjoy keeping the kids alive for as long as you can!
IMPULSIVE Review Grade: A+