Smartkase Puts the Smart in iPhone Cases

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It’s every iPhone owner’s worst nightmare – losing his phone for whatever reason. Sure, there is Find My iPhone, but you may not have access to it immediately.

With this new iPhone case, you can instantly find your phone if you get separated from it. You can also track your phone in real time in case someone gets hold of it.

Smartkase is an iPhone tracker case, thanks to the combination of built-in chips in the case and a controller keychain.

iphone tracker case

How does it work?

One, if your phone and the controller are separated by more than 4 meters, the controller will make sure you know it – and everyone else around you, I suppose. That should at least startle the culprit if you’ve been pickpocketed.

Two, if you’re always looking for your phone (which is not uncommon), and yet the controller isn’t shrieking wildly, you can double tap it and the case will have its turn at making noise. So, even if your phone is dead, you will still be able to locate it.

iphone tracker case

The designers also have a 100% drop protection, which should take care of bumps and drops (which is, after all, the main purpose of a case).

Tracking features aside, the Smartkase is also designed to be as thin as possible, which is a plus since bulky cases really take away from the sexiness of iPhones.

Related: 4 Ultrathin iPhone 6 Cases for Those Who Don’t Like Using iPhone Cases

Smartkase Thin

The case is available in six colors, so you’ll probably find one that you like if you’re choosy when it comes to colors.

iphone tracker case

The Smartkase is not available yet, as it is running on Kickstarter. It’s not too late to back it yet, and if you don’t have loss insurance for your phone, you might want to get this case. I sure wish this existed when my iPhone 5 was picked right out of my pocket.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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