iRecycle Any Day Anywhere

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The ease of recycling just got…easier? Welcome the free “iRecycle” application for the iPhone and iPod Touch!

Placing glass and plastic in the old Kirby can outside one’s door is simple, and it’s only as much work as putting out the trash. Unfortunately, some people do not have a state-given recycling can, and others in the U.S. do not have a place where empty water bottles can be thrown away in a safe and responsible manner. What does one do?

Download the “iRecycle” App and instantly have access and information to the closest and most effortless places to recycle things. Lets face it, human beings on this planet, at least in western society, are fairly lazy. If there were no conveniences to recycling too many people would shy away from the practice.

Open up the “iRecycle” application and the practice of recycling can easily become habit, because the App makes recycling ridiculously simple. Just begin to type into the Google-like search bar, with auto-complete so that one does not even have to finish typing the whole word in most cases, and be amazed at the hundreds of thousands of recycling and disposal locales that are nearby.

The App uses the recycler’s location to determine what places are closest to the person wielding the iPhone, and then the myriad nearby locations that accept used printer ink, motor oil and much more show up. Many of the places are ones that the consumers will already be familiar with as many stores such as Best Buy and Staples accept ink cartridges, or refill them, and many auto stores take oil.

IMPULSIVE Review Grade: A+

Picture of RJ Huneke

RJ Huneke

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