iPhone Pictures Talk?! SayWhat App

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Ever want to put a catchphrase, like “I’ll be back” (in Arnold’s Terminator voice), into someone’s mouth? Now it is so easy a caveman could do it (sorry, I could not resist)!

The “SayWhat” application for the iPhone allows a user to take any picture and make the subject say things with the mouth moving! The “SayWhat Lite” App is free and allows for an unlimited amount of pictures from the iPhone to be used with any of the numerous audio clips.

Take a happy looking dog, with a grin on their cute face, and draw the jaw line. Now the mouth will open at the easy to use jaw and appear to say, “Go ahead…make my day” in Clint Eastwood’s voice.

There are also eight pictures already in the “SayWhat Lite” App, including a couple of cute babies, an old woman, goat and a toad. Make the amphibian resemble Paris Hilton by curving the jaw line with the intuitive touchscreen controls and have it move and say, “That’s hot!”

There are dog barks and of course the exasperated: “Say What?!” sounds built in, and the user can also control the mouth movement’s sensitivity and the speed and pitch of the voice being inserted.

The “SayWhat” App is too much fun and will eliminate one’s spare time! The full version is a mere $1.99 and aside from a ton of more voices, the ability to email the talking picture of your pet muttering, “you’re fired” is added as well.

IMPULSIVE Review Grade: A

Picture of RJ Huneke

RJ Huneke

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