Ahmmm Oh Yeah Game Hits iPhone

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Compete with players all over the world and see your score posted on the “Ahmmm Oh Yeah” App’s billboard! This is too funny!

This game looks remarkably like the graphical masterpieces of the “Grand Theft Auto” series in both the realistic design of cars and cityscapes, and the sounds of engines roaring by.

The “Ahmmm Oh Yea” game is a free application for the iPhone that incorporates suspense and comedy into an easy to use and hilariously addictive platform. Fire up the App, but keep flames away, because the goal of the game is simple: while waiting at the bus stop next to an attractive girl you must expel your body’s gas as the cars go by, so that she cannot hear you.

“Catch up every second to fart when the cars [roar] by, or the gas energy accumulated [will] lead you to nowhere.” Does it sound silly? Of course it does, but the “Oh Yeah” game is truly entertaining and reminiscent of a dirty hidden Grand Theft mission.

I am reminded of painful bouts with gas at the bus stop, at my university, where there were just too many beautiful girls by my side to expel the improper noise. Luckily a loud Mustang would bail me out at times and unleash an ear-piercing lunge across the parking lot that would allow me to unleash some of the methane that surely would have caused me to spontaneously combust.

Don’t fart for too long, or she will hear you and the game will be up!

IMPULSIVE Review Grade: A

Picture of RJ Huneke

RJ Huneke

3 thoughts on “Ahmmm Oh Yeah Game Hits iPhone

  1. Is there a specific name for the search? I have tried various APP searches using ahmmm oh yeah etc and can not find this app?
    My friend has it and its hilarious and I want it!

    Any suggestions???


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