Two Dollar Tuesday

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Hot tip: Daily app deals are nothing new — not even for Mac apps — but here’s a high quality newcomer that’s already offering some impressive deals.

Once a week, Two Dollar Tuesday will offer at least one, but possibly up to three, deals for apps available in the Mac App Store. And as the name suggests, the apps they offer for sale are only available that way for a limited time, and always for $2. This means that sometimes the discount can be incredibly high — up to 90% off or more.

At the time of this writing, Two Dollar Tuesday is offering discounts on Dropzone, Compartments, and Socialite. Dropzone is a slick-looking app that makes it easy to share files to just about any destination you might use. Compartments is for people who like to keep track of their home inventories. Socialite is an all-in-one social networking hub. I haven’t personally tried any of these apps, but the nicely-built Two Dollar Tuesday website presents them efficiently and attractively.

The site was created by a Mac developer — not an Internet content creator — so it has a clean, user-friendly look and feel that Apple would approve of. Give it a try for yourself, and let us know what you think.

Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

3 thoughts on “Two Dollar Tuesday

    1. Sorry about that. We’re going to have to chalk this one up to the gloriously imperfect technology that is the Internet. I had this article written in the system in plenty of time, and I clicked the “Publish” button. Then we had a minor crisis with my 4-year-old that I won’t bore you with (big drama, little problem). By the time I was able to get back to the computer to look at it, I was surprised to see that it hadn’t published. Some kind of glitch.

      Again, I apologiize for this. We go to great lengths to ensure the quality and timeliness of our content, but sometimes things just happen. I know that Two Dollar Tuesday plans to offer more great discounts on a regular basis, so I suggest bookmarking it.

    2. Understandable. However, the image in the article shows a title of “Screen Shot 2012-05-22 at 9.38.43 PM” with the deal set to expire in 2 hours, 21 minutes and 15 seconds, so even if you had published it as soon as you had taken the image, there only would have been a couple of hours before it had expired. Thanks for the tip, though. I’ll have to check out the site to see what future deals they have.

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