Who is providing LIVE WWDC Keynote Coverage?

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wwdc07.jpgWe’re gearing up for the World Wide Developer’s Conference here at Apple Gazette, and I’m excited to announce that we’re going to have a Live Coverage Center for WWDC this year.

While I would rather you just stick to our coverage, of course, it seems only right to provide a complete list of everyone in the blogosphere that is going to be covering the event live, to ensure that you can get all the Keynote info your mind can handle come June 11th…

(please note this post will be updated with direct links to coverage areas as they become available. If your site is going to be covering the Keynote live, contact us, and let us know. We’ll be glad to add you to the list)
Applesfera (Spanish)
Apple Gazette
Apple Matters
Ars Technica
Loop Rumors
MacBlog (Italian)
MacNotes (German)
Mac Rumors
The Apple Blog

Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

8 thoughts on “Who is providing LIVE WWDC Keynote Coverage?

  1. What time will the video go live on the Apple site? Anyone know? P.S. would you be able to provide a direct link to it once this happens, skipping anything on Apple that gives away the releases… I prefer to be surprised while watching the video! (More fun in my opinion lol)


  2. No problem Hal – just want to make sure everyone can get the info…if it’s anything like Macworld was this year, I’m sure we’ll have a plenty of traffic, and so will everyone else…

  3. That is a great thing that you are providing such a list, especially with localized versions. Personally my vote goes to MacRumors. They have a great system.

  4. Something I do not understand, with the broadband at Moscone, with the MacBook and its microphone, with Mac OS X Server, with all your servers, why anybody isn’t able to broadcast a live audio?

    Fan boys.

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