Every gamer today (of the right age) remembers the glory days of mashing buttons on the Gameboy and being the star of his peers. The fact, however, is that today, mobile gaming is done mostly on the iPhone or iPad (or other smartphones and tablets). There is, of course, something to be said about retro gaming, hence all the accessories and simulators available.
Sometimes, though, it’s the actual mashing of real buttons that make the experience, and that’s what Indiegogo project G-PAD is out to do. the G-PAD is an iPhone, iPod, and iPad Mini accessory that’s made of ilicone rubber.
The game pad controller is meant to slide over the lower part of your phone, so that it acts like a real-ish Gameboy.
In order for the G-PAD to work, you need GBA4iOS, a Ninentendo game simulator. From the site, you can download whichever retro games you want to play. FOR FREE.
Here’s a look at the G-PAD and GBA4iOS in action.
Now tell me you don’t feel a strong urge to get playing right now.
Since the G-PAD is still an ongoing campaign on Indiegogo, I suggest you head over to their project page and lend your support. Their goal is to reach $16,000, and with 52 days left, they have gathered $3,734 in support.
Seriously, what are you waiting for? Make the G-PAD for real!