WWDC Dates Announced, Speculation Begins

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June 8-12 has been set for WWDC 2009, and now the speculation begins on exactly what we’ll see. Of course, the biggest speculation is, of course, the return of Steve Jobs.

Will he be back at the show? I doubt it, but I’m sure it will be the lead speculation until the presentation itself.

Snow Leopard is the next thing on the agenda, and that would, of course, make sense – but the WWDC graphic that was supplied shows a clear focus on the iPhone.

One thing Apple can expect is a decent amount of developer frustration and anger when it comes to the iPhone. I don’t know a developer that isn’t frustrated by the process…but Apple made it pretty clear at the iPhone 3.0 event that they have no plans to change.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

One thought on “WWDC Dates Announced, Speculation Begins

  1. the process is frustrating, to be sure. But for most devs, it’s frustrating because it’s new. I am just learning to dev for the iPhone, mostly for personal curiosity, but I may put an App or two out, if I feel others can get some use out of them, and they are not uselss. (iFart, anyone?…) For me, the Apple process is great. I dev an app, send it off to Apple, and wait. Chances are really good it will make it into the app store, as long as it’s not an e-mail app that plays music and takes video…
    That’s the hard part. after that you can conceivably do NOTHING and collect a check for 70% of your sales. That’s a pretty good deal. Of course, to be successful as a business, you’d be working on updates and putting out new, exciting stuff!
    The app store changed the way people sell mobile apps. Just ask Windows, Palm, Google, and Blackberry. They are all “emulating” the model. When I wanted a Palm app, I’d have to search on Yahoo or AltaVista (Google wasn’t around yet ;-)) Find a developers personal site, or visit something like Handango or PalmGear, compare version numbers, find a download mirror, unzip, copy the .prc to the Palm over HotSync, then backup the .prc on my computer somewhere in case the Palm crashed…

    Now, I click on a picture in the App store, and it’s on my phone in seconds. And it’s still on the App store if I need it again. And the newest version is always available with a click. And iTunes tells me when that version is available.

    I, for one, never want to go back to the “old” way.

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