New iWatch Concept Goes Round

iWatch concept

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We’ve seen quite some creative iWatch concepts, and not too long ago, we featured Todd Hamilton’s iWatch concept, which I said you’ll want to wear – especially if you’re into that fitness band look.

Today, I ran into another iWatch concept which takes a different approach. Instead of going sleek, slim, and rectangularish, designer Tomás Moyano has opted for the traditional round shape.

iWatch concept

First impressions?

Still sleek, and overly simplistic, which is part of its charm, actually.

One thing that makes this iWatch concept cool is that it makes the wearable device watertight – something we all want from wristwatches. This does mean, however, giving up buttons and microphones, something which is not all that bad if you think about it. Physical buttons are overrated anyway!

As Moyano told the IB Times:

“They don’t make anything that my iPhone could not do. I think these products are in pre-beta levels yet. I thought these companies are [moving] the wrong way. How could you wear a smartwatch and constantly be afraid of taking it into the water, trying to avoid dusty places? If we wear watches, it is because we want to take them always with us, and that is not possible with current designs.”

I think the guys has a point, doesn’t he?
iWatch concept
So how do you get notifications? Via vibrations!

Here are some more key aspects of this particular iWatch concept:
solar energy
wireless recharging
no cellular connection and no Siri; mere connection to the iPhone (which may be a disappointment, actually)

Read more about Tomás Moyano’s iWatch concept here.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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