Kevin Rose spills more about iTunes 8

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Kevin Rose is at it again, posting more information about iTunes 8 on his official blog.

On the site he says:

What’s new in iTunes 8

iTunes 8 includes Genius, which makes playlists from songs in your library that go great together. Genius also includes Genius sidebar, which recommends music from the iTunes Store that you don’t already have.

With iTunes 8, browse your artists and albums visually with the new Grid view; download your favorite TV shows in HD quality from the iTunes Store; sync your media with iPod nano (4th generation), iPod classic (2nd generation), and iPod touch (2nd generation); and enjoy a stunning new music visualizer.

If this is true, I’m not sure this “Genius” feature is something that I’m going to want. I don’t really want iTunes thinking for me…

What do you think?

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

6 thoughts on “Kevin Rose spills more about iTunes 8

  1. iPod classic 2nd generation – quite interesting…… I’m curious what the Grid viev feature means… I hope it’s gonna look like on iPhone or iTouch: click to flip over and you see list of songs of the given artist:)

  2. I think that sounds cool. I have tried things like Tangerine and The Filter but bot with great success. The Filter was better than most. For someone who has a lot of singles like me rather than loads of albums because I’m not a music geek, its quite hard to create playlists. Hopefully this will be a success. The only thing I won’t use is the Music Store recommendations.

  3. Depends how well the Genius works, sometimes it might be nice to just hit a button and listen to what I actually want, instead of thinking about what I should drag into a playlist…but again, depends how smart the Genius really would be. I say let’s wait and see.

  4. Hmph. I was hoping for perhaps subtitles/audio tracks for iTunes videos (didn’t they promise something like that a long time ago, though? at least the subtitles?). But the Genius feature? That just bloats iTunes for me. I’m not interested. But I am curious (but not particularly excited) about the grid view…

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