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Apple Posts Historic Earnings for Q1 of 2012

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It’s not like news like this would still surprise us.

Apple has released their sales report for the first quarter of 2012 and as expected the company has exceeded its own projections and has broken sales records. Apple is reporting its largest revenue period yet – a whopping $46.3 billion.

According to the Apple report, the Cupertino, Ca. company has posted a revenue of $37.04 million in iPhone sales, an increase of a whopping 128 percent from the same period in 2010.The company also reported on its other products:

iPad – Sales of $15.43 million or a 111 percent year on year increase

Macs – 5.3 million, or a year on year increase of 26 percent

Only the iPod failed to post an increase in sales. In fact, sales went down 15.4 million, which means a 2.1 percent decrease, year on year.

Apple’s take is considered the largest quarterly revenue posted by any company in history. And not just that, the fourth quarter earnings was a 73 percent increase from third quarter earnings.

Apple has attributed the company’s success to a convergence of factors that ultimately helped its bottom line – the release of the new iPhone 4s, the increase in iPad sales over the holiday season and more traction among consumers in choosing iPads and iPhones over other products have all contributed to the record sales. Apple has even said that the release of the iPhone 4S last year (which drew criticisms because it was just an incremental upgrade from the iPhone 4) was the right move all along.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has expressed confidence about Apple’s market leading positions in the smartphone and tablet markets, saying that the “ecosystem of the iPad is in a class by itself.” Cook further shared that the success the company is enjoying will only spur them to innovate “like crazy.”

Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

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