This Week’s New Apps #18
A fantastic list this week, jam-packed with highly original & useful tools, and plenty of fun, inventive games!
A fantastic list this week, jam-packed with highly original & useful tools, and plenty of fun, inventive games!
Frequent readers of this blog may recall that last week I bought my mom an iPad for mother’s day. Not only did I instantly win a “Best Son Ever” award, I think I may have converted her into a Mac fan. My mother works with my dad at their software company, where she handes all…
Apple got a lot done at WWDC this year. Outside of their stunning AR demos, huge Mac announcements and iPad updates, they also released the iOS 11 developer beta. This work-in-progress operating system gives us a glimpse into what iOS 11’s fall release will bring, and it looks pretty good! Here’s a selection of the…
When it comes to new Apple products, it seems like everyone is always hunting for the next big scoop. Sometimes, the information can be found in Apple’s patent filings, which is where Patently Apple comes in. They’ve got some of the latest filings for the new iPad, and they show some new and welcome changes….
Education apps, Entertainment apps, Finance apps, Games, Lifestyle, Music, Photography, Productivity, Sports, and much more in this weekend’s big edition of Free Apps!
When the Unicorn Tablet was first released, many people said that it just wasn’t going to sell. Just 21 days ago, I said that apparently, everyone either wants or has an iPad. I guess those people who wanted it bought one, because Apple announced yesterday that they’ve sold three million iPads in 80 days. Wow….
In today’s HUGE edition of free apps, don’t miss Loopseque, an awesome music & beat maker, as well as a nifty home renovation helper from none other than Mike Holmes!
I’m sorry, Conan but despite my promise to you to stop being cynical, I can’t help it. And in this one case, I wish I was not. After watching the Internet show Steve present the iPad to the public, I froze and was taken to a temporary time warp to the day when Steve announced…
Today I found almost 20 apps that I have never before seen offered for free, including three photography apps, and a tool to increase your iPhone thumb-typing accuracy.
The last few days have seen a flurry of activity in the form of high-profile new iOS apps from Apple’s once longtime rival, Microsoft. Xbox apps? Check. Halo app? Check. Killer notetaking app? Yep, got that too.
So the iPad pre-order was on Friday. With it, came a bunch of interesting tidbits that weren’t previously noted. Take the picture above, for example. Notice anything new? Oh look, there’s now a screen rotation lock. Just the other day I was checking my e-mail on the iPhone and I happened to be in a…
The iPad 2 is coming soon according to reports compiled by various rumors and news sources. While some specs are coming in to light such as FaceTime support and a new, tapered covered other details are constantly changing. There’s been debate on whether the iPad 2 will have a Retina display, and if so what…