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10 Best Apps for New Moms

best apps for new moms

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Being a first-time mom can’t be easy. It’s one of the most challenging chapters of a woman’s life, to raise children to be happy and healthy. One can’t even imagine the amount of stress that a new mom has to go through to take care of her baby while balancing other priorities in life. At this stage, new mothers tend to question every move they make, if these actions can affect their baby in any way.

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Thankfully, there are now apps that help new moms navigate their way through motherhood. Aside from relying on friends and loved ones for support, these apps also make life a bit easier for first-time mothers. If you’re also new to this, here are some of the best apps for new moms that will hopefully help you along your journey.

Apps for New Moms

Cloud Baby Monitor

best apps for new moms

Cloud Baby Monitor is an app that allows parents to be able to monitor their babies in their cribs while they’re away doing other chores. With this app, you won’t have to stay beside your baby all the time to watch what he or she is doing. The app provides noise and motion alerts so you know when your baby’s awake. It also offers two-way video talk so you can interact with your baby even when you’re in another room.

Sound Sleeper: White Noise

One of the challenges of taking care of a baby is making them fall asleep. If they don’t sleep, you don’t sleep. Good thing that there are apps like Sound Sleeper to help babies fall asleep faster. It provides white noise sounds that aid in a baby’s sleep. You can also record your own lullabies with this app and play it for your baby when it’s nap time. The app can also keep track of your baby’s sleeping patterns so you get to understand them better.


It helps when you know that you’re not alone in this journey. Peanut connects mothers from all over the world and lets them interact and discuss certain topics concerning their babies. Being able to connect to other moms and relate to their woes can help alleviate the stress of not knowing what to do about certain baby problems. With fellow moms in this app, you’ll be able to get help and tips that’ll make raising a baby much easier.


best apps for new moms

Keeping track of your baby’s progress is important for you to know where he or she is in terms of mental and physical growth. It’s essential for moms to create routines for their babies so they can develop their skills well. Baby+ helps mothers formulate a routine for their babies as well as capture important moments in their lives.

Baby Breastfeeding Tracker

If you’re breastfeeding your baby, the Baby Breastfeeding Tracker can help you keep track of your baby’s breastfeeding schedule. Knowing your baby’s feeding pattern is important and having this information ready can come in handy when consulting with your OB-GYN or lactation consultant. With this app, you can have a record of your baby’s feeding time.

Happy Baby Bundle

Happy Baby Bundle is an app where you can log your baby’s day-to-day activities. This includes when your baby sleeps, feeds, and poops. Plus, this app offers a vaccination feature, so mothers can check their babies’ vaccination routines. In addition, it also features a parenting guide to help new moms navigate their way in raising their babies.

Baby Sleep Lullaby

If you want more than white noise to help your baby fall asleep, Baby Sleep Lullaby is here to the rescue. This app contains more than 20 tunes that have been designed to specifically soothe babies. It also shows cute toys that’ll aid in visually relaxing your baby when they won’t stop crying.

Milk Maid

If you want to keep an inventory of your breast milk, Milk Maid is here to help. It keeps track of all your stored milk, even ones in different storages. This is especially useful to moms who pump their breast milk. With this app, you can log your pumping sessions and the dates when you pumped them.


Babies don’t only feed, sleep, and poop, they also like to play. How do babies play, you ask? Let Playfully help you with that. This app provides expert tips to first-time moms on how to play with their babies. Depending on your baby’s needs and interests, Playfully will provide daily play ideas to stimulate your baby’s brain and to have fun as well.


Babies are extremely cute, aren’t they? Especially for moms, you just can’t stop yourself from taking a snap every now and then to capture these adorable moments. However, you’ll soon realize that these photos will clog up your phone’s memory. This is why Tinybeans is a great app to help you keep memories of your baby’s cute moments. It provides unlimited photo storage so you can snap away.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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