BBC iPlayer officially launches for Macs

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If you’re a UK reader, then you probably remember that whole petition thing so that Macs could get the same benefits of online downloads from the BBC. I mean, after all, who could stand to miss Mr. and Mrs. Bin Laden?

Well, that BBC project – dubbed the iPlayer, has now officially launched for Macs thanks to your demands. It’s not quite equal to its Windows counterpart, but it is a start. Currently you cannot download the shows, but you can stream them. Download support should be added sometime in 2008. The streaming service is in beta, but should be at full release by Dec. 25th.

From everything I’ve heard the iPlayer has kind of flopped on the Windows side of things in the UK. I think primarily because of the DRM issues with it. You can check it out here – but it will only work for UK users, so there’s really no point the rest of us even trying. On the bright side, however, the site does say that BBC Worldwide is working on an International version of the site.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

4 thoughts on “BBC iPlayer officially launches for Macs

  1. I’ve been playing with it over the past few days and I’m impressed. Now waiting around. Just click a programme and it starts playing instantly. I’ve already been able to watch three programmes I missed as a result of schedule clashes. Thanks beeb!

  2. This is great. Much better than Channel 4’s “4OD” service (Windows only). Not only is it great because it works on my Mac, but also because it is very fast, efficient, easy to navigate, cheap, and of better quality. 4OD has none of these things.

  3. It looks smart, although I had a few issues with the streaming stalling yesterday.

    Once this is ironed out, it’s going to be very good – especially if the next incarnation of Apple TV can allow us to stream the content to our TV’s…..

  4. yes it WAS working a week ago, which tinker tinkered with it?
    after a nightshift away from home I’m gutted about not being able to view extras! I feel really let down as I’m away from home and was promised a working iplayer for the 25th. You chaps should have left as it was. . . gutted!

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