Stephen Colbert “Flaccid with Rage” over iPhone

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From Last Night’s edition of “The Colbert Report”…

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

28 thoughts on “Stephen Colbert “Flaccid with Rage” over iPhone

  1. If jokes end with references to Poop, Pee, Genitals, Porn, and Swearing, then its The Colbert Report!

    Stupid, stupid show.

  2. Um I think the Colbert Report writing is some of the more intellectually oriented humor on television, usually quite funny stuff.

    I don’t know what show you like better, Captain Kirk, certainly can’t be Mad TV or Saturday Night Live, those shows suck much worse. At least Colbert acknowledges the arrival of the 21st century and recent trends.

  3. did you morons even watch the video? or did you just hear about it on the O’Reilly Factor (for you nerds in the audience, that’s not by the folks who bring you the programming books with animals on the cover)

  4. He has some funny views, but he is just doing stuff for a laugh, and he can go suck jesus’s ballls for all i care.

  5. Only stupid, stupid people find the Colbert Report to be a stupid, stupid show… it’s quite a good litmus test, actually. That and thinking Rush “Oxycontin” Limbaugh is worth listening to.

  6. Flash video doesn’t work here. Text on video controls just doesn’t appear. Maybe the flash app is demanding a typeface I don’t have installed on my Linux system.

  7. Kirk you’re a disgrace to humanity. Please do the right thing and end it all now. Regards, The father of this great nation, George.

  8. if you meataxes actualy listen you will see that he is pro mac, and anti jesus which is bad…he should be pro swartzenager

  9. “I already use Cingular so it will be easy…”

    What if you are stuck under contract with a provider other than Cingular, but still want a iPhone? Well, check this out:

    Just launched to general public and are now the unofficial way of getting an iPhone… if you are stuck under contract with a carrier other than Cingular that is. 🙂

  10. im sure you’re never going to read this but this is for captain kirk up there. i believe there was only one joke that ended with “references to Poop, Pee, Genitals, Porn, and Swearing” and he said pornography. get a life and grow up man, try to educate yourself a little and realize there’s more than just fart jokes moron. you completely miss the point of the show.

  11. He’s neither funny nor annoying, very middle of the road. Well that clip anyways, first time i’ve seen him.

  12. Colbert Report is definately not stupid. A humorous take on the otherwise boring world of politics. If anything he is doing a public service by bringing to light stories/situations the youth would otherwise no nothing about.

  13. Steve Jobs is an arrognat prick, and he can’t stick his Made In Chinese Slave Labor Sweatshop iPhone (ripped off TM) up his Limousine Liberal Arse.

    Love ya Steve Colbert!

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