Reader Feedback Request: Thoughts on the iPhone Price Drop

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Ok…so, after only 2 months, the price of the iPhone drops to $399.

That’s got to really ruffle some feathers of early adopters.

I’ve already talked to a few that are absolutely steaming mad about this. I have to say, I can fully understand that…and I’d like to know what you think about it as well…so leave a comment, or shoot me an email and let me know what you think about the price drop. Personally, it makes me wonder if the iPhone just isn’t selling as well as they’d hoped…but what do you think?

Are you FURIOUS?



Sound off below…

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

63 thoughts on “Reader Feedback Request: Thoughts on the iPhone Price Drop

  1. I have come to expect price drops from Apple… I’m used to it. I like being an early adopter and I don’t mind the cost of it. It comes with the territory.

  2. Part 1 – This is a copy of the email I just sent to Apple. I suggest that others might do the same.

    Steve or to whom it may concern,

    As a loyal iPod owner (family has four) and a iPhone 8mg owner I am offended at the price break!

    First NBC tells me that I am a crook by saying that what is on my iPod/iPhone is stolen (paraphrased) … and now … Steve says “f-you very much” for being willing to be leading edge and buy your new product (and switch to an inferior carrier).

    So much for thinking Apple was a cut above the others!

    You have just taken the “glow” off the faces of about 1 million people! Now, each time they reach for their iPhone they will think about how they got screwed by the industry design leader versus how happy they are with the device. More important, the next time that 1 million people go to spend a couple grand for an Apple product they will think twice … that is 2 billion reasons (each worth $1.00) to do something to “right” the “wrong”.

    I am sure lawsuits will follow, class action I hope, and unfortunately I will be only too glad to join.

    Steve, you and Apple are better than this … step-up and show some class.

    At least provide me with an explanation.



  3. Part 2 – After some great comments and feedback from my letter!

    I get the “early adopter tax”, I still believe it was worth what I paid, and I was in the consumer products industry for 16 years and the software industry for 8 years. I understand sales and marketing strategy … I also know that being innovative in how you treat your customers can be worth millions/billions. A simple discount worth $100 on future purchases would generate more positive buzz than it cost and set a precedent that would cause others to take notice … much like the design precedents Apple sets daily.

    Additionally, as consumers we must stop acting like sheep being herded by a dog. Companies need to know it is not OK to stick it to the consumer and expect us to be loyal regardless.

    I do not expect to get anything from Apple … however, I will think twice about future purchases for my family and my start-up business. And yes, Apple does design and build better products on average … but, there are some items where the coin toss will not go Apples way for awhile.

    Finally, 33% discount after 60 days … come on … that is what you expect to see from desperate companies with technology flops! Lower the price $100 September 1st and another $100 on November 1st might send a different message to the market and consumers. And before you think I am crazy … look at Apple’s stock price today … down 4.88% … which means the other professionals are questioning what and why.

    Hold it!

    Before someone else says it, yes, this dip is a good time to buy.

    For those that asked, I sent my email via the Apple site’s contact us link in the iPhone sub-section.



  4. i like how their stock dropped too. I shared my iphone story on their site about how i got iphucked….somehow i don’t think they’ll use it in their ads

  5. I think this price drop may be a precurser to the launch of a 3G phone. Apple may be clearing stocks in advance of the European launch where 3G is more prevelant. I hope so anyway.

    Living in England, we await with great anticipation for the launch of the iPhone and for it to be a must have, it must have 3G.

  6. After sleeping on it… the price drop is great (yes i paid full price)… opens doors for new customers and i think i could safely bet that the 16G iPhone will be out within the next 6 weeks!!!!


    All very Exciting!

    B… Brooklyn

  7. Yesterday was a day of ~Apple not exactly at their best. The “one more thing” was a low blow: iPod music store (yawn) plus the *unbelievable* opportunity to pay twice per song just to have a ringtone. Follow this up by the “interesting” Starbucks announcement (hint: not, but bring out the CEO anyway).

    The $200 iPhone price drop was obviously the big news… slipped in quick and here’s a singer who’s willing to perform in front of a potentially steamed audience. Me singy. La la la. Now me talky. iTunes good. P2P bad.

    *slapping forehead*

  8. Michael,

    My main complaint was that the amount of information you gave on your live broadcast suffered because you used time to “embellish” the posts with (IMO) unnecessary comments. I was looking for facts to digest. The amount of useful information conveyed was probably about half of what it could have been.

    I’ve been on the net since before it went public so I know what I can expect! I look for sites that are a little better then the average and I’m content (for this type of content at least). I find this site amusing and generally informative.


  9. @ByrdMan

    “amusing and generally informative.”

    That’s what I’m shooting for.

    I don’t feel like the point of a blog is to be a Joe Friday “just the facts” type of place. Mainly because there are so many places where you can already get that.

    I realize that my opinion on things is in no way the defacto statement on ANYTHING, but I enjoy reading live blogging of events that are more…personal (if that’s the right word)…so that’s what I try to do here.

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