Yesterday afternoon Apple sent out an email to developers announcing the iPhone Dev Center. If you’re looking to develop for the iPhone with web based application this center has everything you need to get your started. Video instruction, sample projects, and countless other resources are yours, and it’s completely free to sign up for and check out.
Now some of you may be thinking “oh, I’m just going to wait for the “real” SDK.”
If you’re a large company that works with Apple on a regular basis – fine, probably a good idea. If your Joe Nobody that thinks they’re going to get the iPhone SDK and immediately put Skype on it – think again. When the iPhone SDK does come out, its going to start another round of whining on the ‘net, because it’s not going to be completely open and available to anyone who wants it. I’d bet money on it (if it were legal to do that). I think developing for the iPhone will be a lot like developing for a game console – SDK won’t be available to just anyone. There will be fees involved.
However, if you want to create applications for the iPhone with web technology, which is still pretty cool in my opinion, you can learn everything you need to know right here.