farm, oklahoma, rural

Legal Separation vs. Divorce: Which Option is Right for You in Oklahoma?

Introduction When a marriage becomes strained, couples often find themselves at a crossroads, contemplating whether to pursue a legal separation or a divorce. Both options have distinct implications and consequences. In the state of Oklahoma, where divorce laws govern the dissolution of marriages, it is essential to understand the differences between legal separation and divorce…

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30 Days of AppleTV – Part 2

First off…do you guys prefer AppleTV or TV? I kind of like TV…I mean, we’re all Mac Users here aren’t we? Just let me know…whatever the popular choice is, is what I’ll be using from now on…today though, it’s TV. So, last night I’m looking at the sparse amount of content we have in the…

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30 Days of iPhone – Day 4

So guess what I did last night? I manually deleted 1,300 emails off my iPhone. That was ultimately the only way to get rid of them. I tried to go into Gmail settings and stop them from downloading, but Gmail doesn’t treat the iPhone like it’s a POP3 email client. Emails still appear in my…

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