Introducing iRing – Free iPhone Ringtones for All

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You can find iPhone ringtones by clicking right here. You’ll get a new ringtone every week. It’s pretty cool, and definitely worth checking out.

Today, I’m very happy to introduce Apple Gazette’s very first piece of software. A very simple Automator built application based on this tutorial for converting AAC files into ringtones for the iPhone.

The application is free to download. You are using it at your own risk. Please read the Read Me file before using the application. iTunes MUST BE closed for it to work. If iTunes is open, it will not add the file to the Ringtones tab on your iPhone.

If you have any problems with it, let me know in the comments below, and I’ll try to fix them. I’ve tried this on both an Intel and PPC Mac, running Tiger, and it works just fine.


OK – Let’s give iRing2 a shot. This is still an Automator workflow. It works just fine for me, but I haven’t been able to test it on another machine yet. It takes the AAC file, turns it into an m4r file, lets you move it to your iTunes Ringtone folder, then converts it back to an m4a file after its there.

I’ve successfully uploaded 2 rintones to my iPhone using it. If you don’t have a Ringtones folder in your iTunes Music folder you will need to create it for iRing to run the script properly.

Let me know how it works for you.

If you’re still using iTunes 7.4 you can download the original iRing here.

Click Here to download iRing 2.

Thanks to Kevin for sending in the tutorial.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

88 thoughts on “Introducing iRing – Free iPhone Ringtones for All

  1. Just did as MrKleinpaste suggested with Garage Band and worked like a charm. No apps to download that can mess up your iphone; simple and easy. Been checking out how to do this all over the web and was wary about the apps to download, now no worries.

    Thanks MrKlein!!

  2. just drag the ripped song into garage band, edit out the part you want for a ringtone, then “share” it by sending it to itunes as a ringtone, when you next sync your iphone, the new ringtone appears as a custom ringtone.

  3. how do you share it as a ringtone? it just comes up as mp4 in my itunes, i dont even have any ringtone playlists or menus

  4. does this technique still work with iTunes 7.7? I exported the file i created in Garageband into itunes and renamed it as an .m4r but it’s not showing up under “ringtones.”

  5. id nt work i followed step by step how to change from aac mp3 to m4r and it didnt go into my ringtones on my i phone……
    i have tried so many differenr thing how to covert and make ringtones and it wont work dammit

  6. Same for me. I followed all the instructions and the ringtone shows up in itunes, says it’s synced to my phone, but it’s not.

  7. Look. It’s very easy. I use VisualHub to convert may mp3 or wave sound to mp4 or ACC (on Mac). If you already have mp4 or acc, than it’s done. Just replace the extension with m4r. That’s all. Now open youre iTunes and if you have 7.7 you must have ringtones folder on library menu. Drop there all your new ringtones you just made. Connect youre iphone, select it on itunes library (device) than go to ringtones tab. Select all the ringntones you whant to sincronize withe youre phone. That’s it. Have fun!

  8. this is now very obsolete. i noticed that michael said that you could clip it in garage band…well, maybe its just for the newest garage band, but if you actually hit share- theres an option to convert it and import it directly.. so.. no saving it to disk and then opening iring, although it was an alright program. keep up the good work

  9. I just downloaded it but it’s not working, it says:
    To open this file, Windows nedds to know what program created it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manully select from a list of programs on your computer.
    What do you want to do?
    o Use the web service to find the appropriate program
    o Select the program from a list
    [OK] [Cancel]

    nothing works

  10. I couldn’t proceed with the downloading. It prompt me to find a item. For your info, I am using Mac os Leopard. I would appreciate you can help me. Thank you!

  11. I would use the Rogue Amoeba MakeiPhoneRingtones application instead of this one. The advantage is that you don’t have to open and close iTunes again and again.

  12. you dont have to download any application to do this, you can set up duration of play back on Itunes options__convert _show >>>>

  13. A buddy told me about this app, haven’t tried it yet but i am a windows user and normally just create my own ringtone just by renaming the file. Im going to see how it works and judging by the feedback, this is worthy of a try.

  14. I have tried it and nothing works . Why?
    It just keep demanding what program I want to use to open the file.

    Any help will be highly appreciated.

  15. this file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action what do i do about this error message when trying to download iring 2

  16. I went through all the steps on windows and the ringtone is in my itunes. But when I try to sync my iphone, it “cannote be found”! 🙁 sad day

  17. Hey, this sounds good in theory but it’s not working for me. I downloaded the program and what not, opened it up, it asked which song i wanted to chose and I picked it and…. nothing. So I read into it a bit and tried moving the files and a bunch of other stuff but the song is not in my itunes library. Help?

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