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Hack an Apple, Get Smacked: Apple Bans Apple ID for Security Reasons

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This is all over the web, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention it here. There’s a dude named Sherif Hashim, and he recently found an explot in OS 3.1.3 which would let you do all sorts of fun jailbreaky-type things to your phone, none of which I technically understand. What I do understand is that Apple knew about it, wasn’t happy, and told him to pound sand when he went to login to his App Store account. Of course, he tweeted about it.

“Your Apple ID was banned for security reasons”, that’s what i get when i try to go to the app store, they must be really angry :)))))

and guess what my apple ID was, “”, what a fool was me not to notice :))), can’t help laughing, they are babies :)))

First, a comment. Sherif is obviously a smart guy, because finding a needle in a haystack like he did is pretty impressive. On the flip side, does he really need 5 smiley faces in his posts?

Turns out this wasn’t an isolated incident, because one of the guys who designed Sn0breeze was banned too, and he, of course, tweeted.

@sherif_hashim lol, they did that to my ih8sn0wyday[@t] too. (right after I posted XEMN)…

I don’t know why this is so particularly shocking. In fact, I’m surprised that Apple didn’t do this sooner. Sure, they haven’t cracked down on jailbreakers recently because theoretically it gets them more sales, but at some point they have to say enough is enough and stop letting the instigators play in their sandbox.

That said, I’m down with jailbreakers. I don’t own a jailbroken iPhone, but I have friends that do, and they love it. Plus, it gives you a reason to leave AT&T, which is good unto itself. The way I see it, this is just a speed bump on the development trail.

Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

One thought on “Hack an Apple, Get Smacked: Apple Bans Apple ID for Security Reasons

  1. LOL. They weren’t banned. They just had to reset their passwords. Same thing happened to me and I’ve never jailbroken my phone.

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