Apple releases iPhone 2.0.2 update, offer (another) MobileMe extention

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Yesterday afternoon Apple released another iPhone update. This one, update 2.0.2. At the time of this writing its not exactly clear what the update does, but one hopes that it will help the 3G reception problems that have been bugging so many users. It’s not something that I’ve had a problem with, but I know others who can barely make a call with the 3G turned on. With any luck, this will fix the problem.

Apple also sent out an email to MobileMe customers yesterday evening thanking them for being patient with the MobileMe launch, and extending everyone’s accounts by 60 days (this is in addition to the original 30 day extension). The email even refers to the fact that the launch of MobileMe hasn’t been Apple’s “finest hour” and promises to make it better.

As a MobileMe customer I have to say I appreciate the extension. I’m not sure I would have renewed next month, and now I can give them a little more time to sort everything out.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

4 thoughts on “Apple releases iPhone 2.0.2 update, offer (another) MobileMe extention

  1. My renewal comes up in December, and I was considering looking into other options, just to see what’s out there. But with the 90 day extension, I think I’ll hold on to it. I personally have not had any email or access problems at all. I like the new web interface. I was just thinking about switching to something else because I have 2 web sites I have made with iWeb and host them on MobileMe. I do wish they loaded a bit faster. Even with the few snags they’ve had, $8 a month for 20G of storage and all the other combined services IS the best deal in town. I think the 90 day extension is a very nice gesture, I think they’ve won me over just for the customer service alone. I’m sure they’ll have all the hiccups sorted out soon and MobileMe will be that much better.

  2. @Marian

    From the email MobileMe sent out on 7/16/08 they said “Your extension will be reflected in your account settings within the next few weeks.” I guess a month is about “a few weeks”. Maybe they were about to update everyone and figured lets just give them another 60 days. So I think we’ll see something soon.

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