I guess I should just say this from the get go: I dislike phablets. It’s a personal preference, and you don’t have to agree with me, but if the iPhone 6 goes down the route of this iPhone 6 concept video, then I’m sticking with my iPhone 5 till it dies – or till the iPhone 7 comes out.
This new iPhone 6 concept is the creation of Simone Evangelista and Ran Avni, who believe that the future of the iPhone is a screen 5.5 inches huge. Suddenly, the iPhone becomes just as unwieldy as Samsung’s Note(s).
While this particular iPhone 6 concept does feature a slim bezel and still looks thin, I just can’t imagine myself using a phone that is way bigger than my hands, which are nowhere near Lana Kane’s hands, FYI.
Meh, take a look for yourself.
What do you think of this iPhablet? I think this “iPhone Air” concept is steps ahead.