Apple settles “color” lawsuit

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Apple has settled a lawsuit with two professional photographers. The two had charged the company with falsely advertising the quality and capabilities of the Macbook and Macbook Pro.

The case was settled out of court and the terms were not disclosed. The lawsuit was filed in San Diego, Ca, and had been ongoing for 10 months.

The photographers, Fred Greaves and Dave Gatley, took issue with Apple’s marketing lingo, which advertised that the two notebooks could display “millions of colors” and over views “simply unavailable on other portables”.

The problem is that the Macbook and Macbook Pro aren’t actually capable of displaying millions of colors. They are capable of displaying the illusion of millions of colors. Now, whether the difference is really substantial or not is open to debate. Frankly, I’ve never had an issue with the display of colors on my Macbook Pro not being sufficient, but I then again, I am not a professional photographer.

In addition to the false advertising and misrepresentation, the photographers also charged Apple with violating the Unfair Competition Law and the Consumer Legal Remedies Act for its failure to properly address and rectify the problem.

This was a class action lawsuit, but there is no word yet on what steps are necessary for other class members to take advantage of the settlement.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

3 thoughts on “Apple settles “color” lawsuit

  1. I hope “settled” means that those two idiots were dragged into the street and shot. This is ridiculous. I think I’ll go sue Bic because my pen isn’t blue enough.

  2. In Africa people are dying for missing water and food guys.. please pretend to care. This is some news.. isn’t it?! 🙁

  3. Umm this is NOT ridiculous. Go look up a true 8-bit LCD professional graphics series panel which usually sells for well over $1000 compared to a 6-bit consumer model which might sell for a mere $200. By advertising they had millions of colors means they’re suppose to have an ultra-high end 8-bit panel which can actually display these colors but they didn’t. They have a much cheaper 6-bit panel in place.

    It would be like a company advertising this computer has a 500mhz CPU when in reality it’s like 450mhz. Sure most people won’t notice the difference but professionals pushing the limits will.

    Disappointing for a company like Apple which traditionally specializes in professional graphics to fudge the specs like that.

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