Effective marketing strategies that can help increase subscribers, likes, and views on YouTube and improve channel growth

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If you want to know how to grow your channel on YouTube, and gain many views, likes, and subscribers – this article will be useful to you. The competition on YouTube is huge, and you may be tempted to buy YouTube views at the cheapest price, but your video still has to be attractive to organic viewers, even if you have the opportunity to improve your stats artificially. This text will guide you through the most effective tips and tricks that can enhance your performance on YouTube.

Keywords Are Your Power

Besides being a social platform, YouTube also is an enormous search engine, where tons of information is uploaded and found. The algorithms of YouTube rely on keywords to suggest and categorize the content according to users’ behavior. The perfect places to input the keywords are video titles, descriptions, profile description, andeven closed captions. Here is how to create the best list of keywords for your promotion on YouTube:

  • First of all, find the keywords that are relevant for your niche and your content specifically.
  • Second, estimate the search rate of each term that you have found.
  • Then, combine the keywords for creating a working pattern. It is welcome to experiment and change your list of keywords until it begins doing the job.

Create The Best Thumbnails

This small picture is a big step for your growth. Good thumbnails can increase your CTR drastically and provide more interest to your profile, as they are perceived as a mark of a thought-through channel where the creator puts real effort. Design of a thumbnail can be the main factor that helps users to make a decision and watch your video. Here are the key rules for making a fine thumbnail:

  • Never use the basic option YouTube creator studio provides
  • Use Photoshop, Canva, or other illustration programs for your work
  • Stick to minimalistic designs
  • Make less details so the accents are distinct
  • Add a keyword or a small text infused with the most relevant terms for your SEO strategy
  • Input branded elements to make your video stand out from the rest

Increase Engagement All The Time

The main space for communication on YouTube is the comment section. Here people exchange their opinion and connect with the blogger. Some creators turn the commenting feature off, and this is not the best idea for aspiring bloggers. Quite often, when people see that there is no opportunity to leave a comment, they become suspicious and consider that this particular author has something to hide, or that this content is controversial or bad, so the author doesn’t get any criticism. The majority of the audience on YouTube, in fact, prefers to have their chance to tell what they think of this or that.

So, you must turn on the comment section, and be ready to communicate actively with your viewers. Don’t always wait for someone to comment on your video – take the initiative in your hands, and give your spectators a topic to discuss or ask them a question, thus motivating them to engage in the conversation with you.

Greet Your Viewers

Channel trailer that welcomes your potential subscribers can become a great addition for your progress, because being friendly and open to new connections attracts users and can be a motivation to explore your channel more closely, bringing more views and likes.

Channel trailers have to be short, not exceeding 1 minute to keep up the interest. Use it as a greeting card, that also explains the value of your content briefly. The goal is to awake the curiosity and provide a positive vibe that encourages viewers to look through your profile further.

Watch Closely For The Most Important Metrics

Many beginners often get stuck while overfocusing on likes and views. But the most valuable information is hidden in other stats that impact your growth on YouTube. Here they are:

  • Click-Through Rate, or CTR. This metric exposes how many users have clicked on your video after seeing the thumbnail in their suggested options or search result.
  • Watch Time. This statistic shows the total time that people spent watching your content. YouTube is interested in engaging users for the longest possible time, so you should improve this statistic to get a better rate.
  • Audience Retention. This one shows you the information about how many people watched your video past the 30-second mark.

How To Increase Your Watch Time

Basically, the main requirement is having high-quality content that is valuable to your audience. Depending on the industry you are occupying, vary the length of your videos. The most popular and well-accepted prolongation of a video is estimated at around 20 minutes. However, some niches can expand that timing in their favor, like travel blogs and popular science.

Keep in mind that your goal is to keep users engaged for as long as possible, so minimize things that can distract users and make them drop their interest. Those things are intros, humor sketches and stuff like that. Self promotion counts in – remind people about subscribing and liking your video, but make it brief.

A Note About The Humor

Joking and laughing is a great way to interact with your viewers and motivate them to watch your videos. But if humor is not your direct niche, you must regulate the dose, so it doesn’t overload your content with so-called ‘informational noise”. Many people like bloopers when they are made smoothly and look like a small detail to lighten the atmosphere or to enhance something you talk about, but if all your videos are interrupted with bloopers constantly, the value of your content will drop.

There is a whole genre of videos that are dedicated to jokes, memes, and humor, and if that is what you want to do, than you should make sure that your content is aligned with what YouTube guidelines recommend. Remember that tolerance is a trend that came on social media to stay, and don’t try to piggyback on controversial jokes that harm people, however fun it may seem to you.

Make It Personal

Not a single YouTube strategy will or it’s best, if the channel is hot infused with personality. Creators sometimes hide, but this way is not always smooth and effective. Being the main face of your channel is a faster way up in ratings, because that’s what people want to do on social media – meet other real people. The era of porcelain perfect bloggers is passing, and now users appreciate sincere and open hearts much more than a glam picture.


YouTube requires a lot of time and effort to become a successful project. But when you literally put your heart and soul into your videos, it is obvious to viewers who will eagerly consume such content.

Of course, planning and organizing your work is also an important factor, because it allows you to ensure the consistent upload and production of new content to please your audience. As well as knowing your target audience’s behavior and interests in the platform that will help you to find your viewers easily with the assistance of SEO.

And remember – social media growth is often a marathon that takes more time, but has a fruitful result.


Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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