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Understanding Cross-Browser Testing and Its Benefits

Today, internet users rely on their decision to stay or leave a site based on the layout, design, functionality, and usefulness of the website. Functioning and user experience are significant objectives for website designers since a sizable number of visitors leave a site due to poor functionality or unclear navigation.

Cross-browser testing is necessary to ensure that a website renders and works properly on many browsers and versions of the same browsers due to providing excellent user experiences.

Multi-browser testing selenium used to be a laborious and time-consuming manual operation. With the development of automation technologies, it is no longer necessary to test websites across many browsers by manually switching between them.

Here is a description of cross-browser testing and its advantages over manual testing.

What Is Cross-Browser Testing?

Cross-browser testing checks your website or web app can be accessed using various devices, browsers, and assistive technologies.

Because each browser interprets website code differently, developers must ensure that both the most recent and earlier generations of browsers can correctly grasp the code. You can identify browser-specific compatibility issues so you can rapidly debug them by testing and understanding this method.

Even if you’ve created an application that runs well on your favorite browser, testing is still necessary to guarantee user success. Testing across browsers is part of this.

A Use Case for Cross-Browser Testing

Consider that you recently created a new website for your company. On your preferred browser, it appeared and operated well, and you want to impress a potential customer. But the website is totally jumbled when you open it on your phone. Gifs don’t function, no photos, and text is all over the place.

This results from failing to recognize compatibility issues unique to particular browsers. Through cross-browser testing, you may examine how the website will work and look on:

  • Variations of browser and operating system combinations
  • Variations of devices
  • When using assistive tools

Cross-browser app testing online allows you to confirm that your application will continue to function correctly across all browsers and devices without sacrificing quality.

Why Choose Automation for Cross-Browser Testing?

You are aware of how difficult it is to do cross-browser tests by hand. Trying to test every browser, OS/platform, and device on your own may soon become an extremely tiresome and time-consuming task.

Thankfully, test automation has advanced beyond merely the technologies and is now better able to offer quicker and more effective means of carrying out cross-browser testing without compromising dependability. Whether you like it or not, automating your cross-compatibility tests is the only practical approach to getting close to 100% test coverage as far as cross-browser testing is concerned.

Benefits of Automated Cross-Browser Testing

Regardless of the scale of a website, an automated cross-browser testing method would have evident and quantifiable advantages for all public-facing websites and online apps. Let’s examine a few benefits of automated cross-browser testing.

  1. Simultaneous Test Execution Results in Faster Testing

Scalability is the most significant problem that automated testing faces. What makes it a laborious and time-consuming operation is the requirement to conduct each test across all plausible combinations of various browsers, their various versions, operating systems, their various versions, devices, and platforms. Even worse, your testing team would have to repeat all of those tests across all those browser combinations every time there is a new release or a hotfix that needs testing.

This problem can readily be mitigated by using automation. Therefore, automated cross-browser testing enables you to swiftly and concurrently perform parallel tests across the combinations, which leads to a significantly quicker delivery.

  1. Save Time and Money

Cross-browser testing frequently involves tedious and repeated tests, which, if carried out manually, may be tedious and time-consuming. You may reduce time and increase return on investment by identifying and automating all the typical tests that must be performed repeatedly across all possible browser combinations (ROI).

  1. Higher Test Coverage

The requirement to run tests repeatedly across a wide range of browsers, platforms, and devices is one of the main difficulties with cross-browser testing. Testing teams frequently run out of time and must miss some combinations.

But you can rapidly eliminate this bottleneck by using cross-browser testing tools. For instance, automation is your best option if you need to run a 30-minute test across 15 distinct browser combinations but only have 4 hours to complete all the testing. By simultaneously parallel test execution, you can complete the task much more quickly and effectively.


If we were to summarize this post on the importance of cross-browser testing, we would say that we showed how dependent any online business is on the consumers and their experience using your product. Cross-browser incompatibilities are one of the most frequent causes of problems with the user experience. Before presenting the goods to your consumer, you must address these cross-browser compatibility difficulties.


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Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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