The white iPhone 4 has a spotty history. Announced alongside its black counterpart at WWDC 2010, the white iPhone never made it to retail channels. Plagued by delays a third party market sprang up over night offering users a conversion kit to swap the black glass with white. While evidence pinpoints to a coming launch, Steve Wozniak thinks the delays have been caused by issues with the camera.
Wozniak made a guest appearance on the Engadget Show last night and confirmed a much talked about rumor: the white paint used on the iPhone 4 lets too much light seep through when the flash is used. Wozniak was able to confirm this when he bought parts meant for a white iPhone 4.
The white iPhone 4 has a vague launch date of Spring 2011 but Apple hasn’t made any announcement of when it will be available or made any comment on issues delaying the phone from being sold.