Almost two weeks ago, Apple treated us to the beauty of poetry with its iPad Air ad, “Your Verse”.
Brilliant move, as usual, as I believe that a yearning for the poetic is inside all of us, and that question thrown at the end, “What will your verse be?”, is a perfect end to the ad.
Not one to sit on its laurels, Apple has capitalized on the popularity of “Your Verse”. The minute and a half ad has been split into two shorter ads, the first of which is “Sound Verse”.
The second is “Light Verse”.
As you may have noticed, the voice remains just as mesmerizing, still taking you back to the first time you watched “Dead Poets’ Society”. (Yeah, it’s still Robin Williams.)
For more of “Your Verse”, visit Apple’s dedicated page, where you can read about the real life stories of the people used in the ads – from marine biologist Michael Berumen taking his iPad underwater to mountaineers Emily Harrington and Adrian Ballinger scaling the world’s highest peaks using the iPad to plan routes and share their experiences to rock band Yao who uses the iPad as part of their performance on stage.
Now I feel like I’m being challenged to use my iPad for more than Bejeweled Blitz and Injustice.
What do you use your iPad for?