Apple fans – it’s time to register for Macworld 2009. Registration has officially opened for next January’s Macworld Expo in San Francisco, California. Events this year include graphic design, digital photography, digital music, IT, and others.
Steve Jobs hasn’t officially been announced as the Keyonte speaker – but – you know, it’s highly likely.
You can register now at MacworldExpo.com.
One thought on “Macworld 2009 registration is now open”
IDG is gouging and it is ridiculous. I don’t really want to repeat everything here but I cannot believe there isn’t more of an outrage over this – maybe most people haven’t noticed.
Here is the complaint I posted to IDG
I also wrote to Apple. No there is NO chance for us lowlies to see the KeyNote live DESPITE the fact, there was always that chance in the past, and that the room is twice as large as needed for just the special people.
This looks really bad on Apple, for even though it isn’t their event, they give their imprimatur of approval on it.
I am seriously considering not even going. I feel screwed over, and IDG’s responses so far that I have heard have sucked.
Here is the letter I wrote to IDG:
Dear Paul:
I am writing to express my concern about IDG’s sudden and unexplainable change in policy that only Platinum Pass holders, press (which is limited), and VIPs can see the KeyNote live. Everyone else MUST go to an overflow room. This is ridiculous and is causing many first-timers, such as myself, to consider canceling their plans. I am coming from quite a distance with my husband and have already expended 4K for those plans. In the past, if you got in line early enough, even us “lowlies” had at least a CHANCE of getting in the main hall with the knowledge that we MIGHT have to go to overflow. Now we are told (and people have confirmed this with IDG) that there is no chance at all for anyone else to get in. From what I understand the answer was given, then “let them buy $1800 tickets.” This is akin to “let them eat cake,” the community feels, quite frankly, screwed and that IDG is engaging in price-gouging. Basically you are asking me to spend between 8K and 10K to go to this event – more than 10 percent of my household income. Is this what it has come down to? It has been confirmed that the main hall holds over 6,000 people, and the elites account for less than half of that. Why the change? The community, from whom IDG is making the money, owes an explanation. I aske for one in the forums yesterday with no response, though it has only been one day, so obviously that is not enough time to reasonably expect a response. If IDG thinks they are going to sell more Plat Passes this way, they are sorely mistaken. Even if they sell a few more, everyone else who would have bought the $200 pass will now simply buy the $25 one, or not go at all, which is something I have to consider even though everything is already painstakingly planned and very eagerly awaited. My disappointment cannot be expressed deeply enough.
From my understandings of discussions that have already taken place with IDG representatives, it appears that IDG is simply ignorant of the Mac community, as odd as that might sound. Being in an overflow room and seeing it real-time is NOT the same as having a chance to be there. IDG apparently has no idea of the devotion of Apple fans to at least have one chance to get to see Steve work his magic live IN PERSON and take pictures for their various blogs. Even though IDG doesn’t consider blogs as press (unfortunately anachronistic IMHO), a lot of these blogs are part of the livelihood of the owners, but don’t generate enough to warrant a $1,800.00 fee. I say this because again, the answers given so far have been ignorant and cold to the community.
I would really like to discuss this with you. I am a writer at several Apple oriented blogs and am starting a podcast. I am also the owner of a forum that gets millions of hits a month that has a vocal Mac base. I really think this whole thing is going to be a public relations nightmare for IDG, and unfortunately, for Apple as well since most people mistakenly think that this is run by Apple. I have also written Apple just so that you know (as I am cc’ing them on this email – though I doubt Steve gets these emails, later today I am going to forward them all to the public relations department). I will write a letter to the editor of the local newspaper since the businesses in the area that count on revenue from this event might suffer if less people come or the people who do come are pissed off. This year Apple has made some slip-ups, and this is just going to make them look greedy – and IDG will be directly responsible for that. I don’t know what kind of agreement you guys have with Apple, but my understanding is that they attend at their pleasure, and can pull out at any time (obviously not after they have committed for this year – but who’s to say about next year) just as they did with the East Coast Conference. After all, they have the WWDC.
I may be wrong, but I think there is going to be a tremendous backlash in blogs and podcasts and in MUGs (Mac User Groups) over this. Those who are in the elite clique will likely not say a word, but obviously they are few, and the first-timer unwashed masses feel screwed over. I am hoping that those who have been before and had the opportunity will stand behind those of us who haven’t.
Write me if you wish to discuss either by email or telephone.