Legend Helsinki Apple Watch, the Most Unique Apple Watch

legend helsinki luxury apple watch

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For now, maybe, but in any case, do you remember the iPhone called Momentum, which was described by its maker (Legend Helsinki) as the crown jewel in the world of electronics? With a 4K solid gold logo, solid sterling silver decorative frame with thick layer of 24Kt gold plating, premium grade crocodile skin, hand engraved inlays and a 24Kt gold plated phone housing, it’s pretty much an accurate label.

Legend Helsinki has done it again, this time with the Apple Watch.

They did what they do best: bling out electronics and blind you with their brilliance.

The new Legend Helsinki Apple Watch is called Tempo.

legend helsinki luxury apple watch

Tempo’s features:
  • a complex hand engraved design on 24 Kt gold
  • premium grade crocodile leather strap
  • gold deployment buckle
  • and of course, presented in the most luxurious way possible.

If you don’t fancy crocodile leather, there are other choices: stingray, ostrich, or sharkskin for the strap. You can also choose from different colors and stitching.

legend helsinki luxury apple watch

This is fresh off the press, folks. Legend Helsinki has just launched Tempo, which sells for 3490 euros. Move over, Beyonce. Your gold Apple Watch has nothing on Tempo.

If you want more than just an Apple Watch, visit Legend Helsinki’s site to marvel at Tempo, and maybe even get your own. (I can can only dream.)

Picture of Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

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