My what a difference a decade makes. 1997 was a really BIG year for Apple. Things were really, REALLY bad on the Apple homefront, and everyone knew it was time for a change. In this time magazine article Steve Jobs was quoted as saying,”Apple has some tremendous assets, but I believe without some attention, the company could, could, could — I’m searching for the right word — could, could die.”
Die. That’s how bad it was…but Steve Jobs saved Apple. Not by himself, though. He did it with the help of an amazing design team that never gets enough credit, and he did it with the help of Bill Gates.
Something about this cover struck me as interesting, and worth sharing, so here it is:
image via Mac Mothership
2 thoughts on “FLASHBACK: 1997 Steve Jobs Time Magazine cover”
Jejeje, no comments mac fans?
Its true, and I have been using Macs since I was in the 8th grade. Steve crossed ememy lines and made “peace” in order to save Apple. Thanks to Steve Jobs we all have the G4,G5, Mac book, Powerbook, iPod and etc etc. Steve made a judegement call and it worked..I wonder what words where said???
Thanks Steve & thanks Bill for not being greedy.