Scammers are getting more and more devious each day, and a recent one that has been going around is a text message that’s supposedly from AppleInc telling the user that his Apple ID is about to expire. In order to avoid this, the user is supposed to click on the link provided in the text message.
To the wary, this is obviously an Apple ID scam, phishing to be exact. If you’re not paying much attention, however (I’m ashamed to say that I’ve been a victim of a different scam because of this), you might click on the link without thinking about it.
Well, don’t fall for it. Graham Cluley shared the scam details last week and showed an example text. Apparently, though, the text message is becoming more prevalent despite it being uncovered for what it is (so spread the news).
Just like most phishing messages, if you click on the link, you’ll be taken to a website that might just convince you it’s legit.
After entering your login details – which is already a win for the scammers – you are taken to a site that will make you go “Oh sh#t”. (That is, if you’ve been duped this far.)
After this, you’ll be asked for more info like credit card details, etc.; and you know how the story ends. So, make sure you pay attention to your messages and that you don’t click with thinking. Tell your mom, grandma, or whoever’s prone to fall for such scams. Also, turn on two-factor authentication for your Apple ID in case you haven’t yet.
It seems it’s happening in the UK for now, but you never know what these scammers will come up with – and where.