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Audible Accessories: Jaybird Endorphin Rush Headphones

My son turned 5 months old the other day, and with it came an exciting new discovery: Yelling. That’s right, he’s now figured out how to yell, and he loves to do it. Now I work at home with my wife, with me doing the working while she does a little work and a lot of taking care of the kiddo. When he gets to screaming, it becomes pretty difficult to focus on anything other than his piercing sounds. To work that issue out, I’ve been considering getting myself a pair of noise-reducing headphones, but I just don’t have the cash.

Then I remembered about a pair of headphones I got last year as part of an article I wrote for a magazine I was working at back then. They’re called the Jaybird Endorphin Rush, and they’re designed for athletes. The earbuds sit deep in the canal, and my set came with a pair of plastic cord guides that fit over my ears. I decided to dig them out of a drawer and give them a listen.

When connected to my MacBook Pro, I started noticing sounds that I had never noticed before. Little details in the music that had failed me with other headphones, were now front and center. Plus, they have a good amount of bass, something that many tiny headphones just don’t have.

Ever since I found them, I’ve been using them exclusively. They don’t drown out the kiddo completely, but they do filter out enough noise to be able to focus on the day to day stuff. They’re not cheap – $99 online – but to me, they’re worth every penny. Granted, there’s a lot of competition out there for headphones at that price, but I sure like them and they’ve saved my patience.

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Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo

Kossi Adzo is a technology enthusiast and digital strategist with a fervent passion for Apple products and the innovative technologies that orbit them. With a background in computer science and a decade of experience in app development and digital marketing, Kossi brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the Apple Gazette team.

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