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The Ultimate Guide to a Travel Lifestyle

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With the rise of social media, you may have noticed more personal accounts from influencers who live a travel-centric life. So what does that mean for you? If you’ve always dreamed of living a nomadic existence filled with airports and hotels as your second home, now might be the perfect time to explore that side of you. Read on for the ultimate guide to a travel lifestyle.

Decide What’s Best for You

The first step is deciding what kind of travel lifestyle is right for you. Are you a digital nomad who works remotely while traveling? Or maybe you’re a perpetual traveler who moves from place to place while earning money. Regardless, doing something you love will make the process so much easier. Visiting new places will not feel as jarring or uncomfortable if you’re pursuing your passions.

Start Saving

The sooner you start saving for your travel lifestyle, the better. Ideally, you should start saving at least a year before you plan to jump on a plane and explore the world. You should have at least six months’ worth of savings so you can take care of any last-minute expenses without falling into debt. If it’s hard for you to track your spending, you might want to consider a savings app.

Come Up With a Game Plan

Once you’ve started saving for your travel lifestyle, it’s time to come up with a game plan. This is where you decide when you want to leave and where you want to go. Once you have those two things figured out, it’s time to start mapping out your route. Be sure to consider things like visa requirements, weather, and cost of living. You should also factor in services like Avail car sharing, bike rentals, and other methods of transportation.

Create the Perfect Packing List

When you get ready for your big trip, you should avoid overpacking and have a general idea of what you need to bring with you on your journey. It’ll be much easier to start packing when you know exactly what you need to bring with you. You should remember to bring clean clothes, medical items (such as an antibiotic and antihistamine), and travel documents.

Pick the Right Place to Visit

it’s important to find the right place to start your adventure. The key is to find a place that’s cheap to travel to and easy to visit. You also might want to pick a place where you can easily find work. If you want to be a more well-rounded traveler and learn about different cultures, you could pick areas that you aren’t familiar with. If you would rather stay in your comfort zone, you could go with areas that you already know a thing or two about.

If you’re feeling stuck in your current lifestyle and you’re ready to make a change, then it’s time to make the leap and pursue a travel lifestyle. Whether you decide to become a digital nomad, a location-independent entrepreneur, or simply a person who travels a lot, this guide should help you in getting started.


Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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