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6 Must-Read Apple-Related Websites

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Hate it or love it, Apple is everywhere. Since you’re reading this, then you’re definitely one of us. Those who obsess are enthusiastic about Apple.

As you probably know, these days, just about anyone can set up a nice Apple-fan website. There are the usual suspects that everyone visits, but there are also the ones that are awesome yet not always visited by the average joe. Here are six websites we haunt. (Aside from Apple Gazette, of course.)

Must-read Apple websites

Patently Apple

must-read apple-related websitesApple is the king of patents. Patently Apple tries to keep up by sharing the newest technologies Apple is working on, plans to work on, or is just sitting on. A lot of these insights stimulates the imagination – how Apple is going to (or IF it is going to) implement them in the future.

As a whole, Patently Apple is more focused on the technology itself rather than the company. The writers cover important news about a wide scope of topics centered around the hardware aspect of the organization. If you’re looking for an in-depth view of things like Apple’s biometric capabilities, then you’ll find a piece worth reading at this website.

Apple at Slashdot

must-read apple websitesSlashdot is a popular platform that allows many people to contribute to a wide range of topics. On the Apple subdomain, you can find a mirage of material posted by fans as well as reader commentaries on the topic.

One of the reasons why this site is on the list is because it gives the average user access to a wide berth of content regarding Apple. Essentially, any user of Slashdot can contribute a piece he or she found on the Internet and submit it to the curated website. This means you can find content across the Internet from sources you may not even knew existed.

While some of the comments may seem questionable at times, links to the articles and websites themselves are always provided. This way, you can form your own opinions after reading the original piece. However, there are users out there that make some noteworthy assessments of the content being reviewed.

Apple at Recode

recodeFor those who want a closer look at Apple’s business and interactions, the Apple category at Recode has quite a few tidbits of worthwhile reading. The authors put more emphasis on trending content and deliver their own take on current events.

Everything from the political news to technology updates can be found at this website. Even the occasional live event is covered by authors during Apple’s news releases.

The only real drawback to the Apple area in Recode is that it’s difficult to find specific information or categories related to Apple. That is, aside from clicking the “Apple” category itself. The releases from Recode are more centered around what’s happening now and don’t seem to follow a set organization.

However, the content within its webpages is well developed and very informative of trending news around Apple.


iloungePlaying on Apple’s infamous “i” series of names, iLounge is a great time sink. It is a well-developed site that brings news and information to readers. Covering topics from new gadgets to related news trends, it’s in constant development as articles are created on a regular basis.

The website itself has a clean appearance, but it is a bit saturated with ads. This may slow down older computers as each one tries to load. However, the content itself is a good read and the reviews the site offers are quite detailed and enlightening.

While the site has a feel of WordPress hosting, it does offer its own storefront of sorts. In this area, the company offers a variety of products for any geek to enjoy. While they do have a few gadgets and accessories for the Apple lover, they also include a wide assortment of general electronics.

Developer News at

developerTaking a look at the Developer News section at can help keep you apprised of what the company has been (and is) up to.

If you are a developer for iOS, or plan to in the future, this is a must-read website. Apple delivers everything from software updates to helping creators succeed in their app deployments on the popular operating system. You’ll also find news related to world events and how apps are deployed across the globe.

Apple on Reddit

apple subredditsWhen it comes to random comments and experience about any topic, Reddit is one of the sites to visit. In the Apple subreddits (Apple, AppleHelp, AppleTV, and more), you can find practically everything you want to know. Of course, you’ll have to bring your A-game if you want to participate. And you have to be able to handle your fair share of being trolled.

Whether you’re looking for battery fixes for your iBook or need help setting up your Apple Watch, there is material on Reddit for almost everything. 

Related: Highlights of the Steve Wozniak AMA on Reddit

Reddit just isn’t about user comments, though. Many of its contributors will post some of the most interesting pieces from all over the Internet. Blogs, company websites and even shopping locations are found within the pages of this community-driven platform.

It’s Reddit. What else does one have to say?

In a Nut Shell…

These are only a few of the sites showing some Apple love. Whether you’re interested in new technology or curious about developing apps, you can find what you need. They may even give you ideas about launching your own site through WordPress hosting and adding your personal take to this list.

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Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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