Essential Steps to Take When Helping an Alcoholic

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A helpful thing you can do for a loved one who suffers from alcoholism is to set boundaries. This includes not drinking around or drinking with them. It also means being empathic and understanding. Alcoholics may have many problems, but the main goal is to help them overcome their addiction.

Setting Boundaries

A crucial step in healing is establishing boundaries with your loved one. The primary purpose of setting boundaries is to limit or stop the behavior detrimental to their health. It is also essential to be accountable. If you see your loved one acting unhealthy, you must take the time to apologize and understand why this happened. Respecting boundaries can lead to transformation.

It is important to remember that setting boundaries are hard work. It requires the commitment of all the family members. Find out more about the person because, in many cases, the addicted person will be reluctant to adhere to these boundaries unless they know what they can and cannot do. If you’re the parent, you’ll have to explain why you’re establishing these limits and what will happen if they’re violated.

Avoiding Drinking With or Around an Alcoholic

Avoiding drinking with or around an alcoholic is not always easy. It is a good idea to ask before drinking around them, so you don’t make assumptions that will make them uncomfortable. Below are some suggestions for what to say and how to ask. Remember, the answer may differ from person to person.

Rather than drinking with or around an alcoholic, try to find a non-alcohol alternative to the alcohol you are going to drink. For example, avoid drinking earlier in the evening because this can lead to longer drinking sessions. Instead, wait until later, when alcohol consumption is lower.

In addition to avoiding situations where the alcoholic is around alcohol, avoid getting involved in the problem. Help the alcoholic to confront their issues and find healthier ways to deal with life’s setbacks. While you might be tempted to pour a drink whenever you feel stressed, it’s important to remember that many alcoholics have problems that they cannot address without alcohol.

Being Empathetic

Being empathetic is vital for several reasons, from improving communication to improving the overall outlook on life. It also allows you to be more open-minded and understand the addict’s situation, which is crucial for their recovery. Finally, in addition to helping an alcoholic find a way out of their addiction, empathy also helps the family heal.

It can be challenging for a family member to bring up the subject of an alcoholic’s drinking, but doing so is crucial to the recovery process. It is essential not to take your emotions out on the alcoholic, as it may make them withdraw from the conversation. A loving voice can go a long way toward helping them, so it’s important to avoid criticizing or being overly harsh with them.

Being Understanding

Trying to be understanding when helping an alcoholic can be difficult. The problem is that alcoholics are incredibly manipulative and can exploit other people’s empathy and compassion. It can also be frustrating to see a loved one in jail. Fortunately, there are many ways to deal with the situation.

First, you can avoid being an enabler. While it may seem difficult to set boundaries for someone addicted to alcohol, it’s important to remember that enabling means shielding the drinker from the consequences of their actions. This can include hiding their bottles, taking away their responsibilities, or offering them financial assistance when they lose their job or get into legal trouble. While being understanding and supportive is crucial, remember to keep in mind that an alcoholic needs their dignity and privacy.

Another way to be understanding when helping an alcoholic is to understand that alcoholism is a chronic illness. It will require the person to work on the issues that led them to become addicted to alcohol. As a family member, you need to understand this and support them in their recovery. By asking questions and listening to their answers, you can help them feel understood.

Organizing an Intervention

Organizing an intervention to help an alcoholic requires careful planning. You must know who to contact and how to approach them. Managing an intervention may feel like a plot against a loved one, but it is a way to gain the support of the alcoholic’s closest friends. It is crucial to convey that you care about the alcoholic.

The number of people you invite to your intervention should be limited to a small group of family members and friends. You should choose people closely related to your loved one and have a good relationship with them. The goal of the intervention should be to get the person to seek treatment.


Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

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