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Anyone else getting Sick of Netbook/iPhone Video Rumors?

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I gotta say, I’m getting really sick of all the Netbook/iTablet and iPhone camera rumors. Even more so than previous rumors that have come along in the past.

The “true” Video iPod rumor comes to mind – and even it was not quite as annoying as what we’ve seen recently. There is SO much speculation about the Netbook/iTablet “thing” — and none of it has any foundation — that it’s getting to where I don’t want to check the RSS feeds.

Is Apple going to release a Netbook/iTablet? It’s certainly possible. Do bloggers know what it’s going to be based on other products that other companies have put out? No…no they do not.

Chances are, if Apple is about to release a Netbook or tablet device it’s going to have some kind of spin on it to make it unique.

The hype surrounding it, however, is only going to lead to eventual disappointment -as these hype session build-ups always do.

I think it’s a shame that people are even using the term “Netbook” in describing whatever this device may be – because if it does exist, chances are, it’s not going to be priced in the range of current Netbooks.

It’s not going to be Apple’s answer to the Kindle, and it’s not going to be cheap enough to single handedly save the comic book industry.

The camera on the next version of the iPhone rumor is also extremely annoying, but for completely different reasons. This one is frustrating and annoying because people keep talking about it like its a brand new rumor that they just thought up.

Kevin Rose made mention of this rumor last year. He’s been spot-on with many other Apple related rumors, and obviously has friends inside Apple. It would be a bolder call to claim that this WAS NOT going to happen, then to speculate over and over again that it IS going to happen.

At least, that’s my two cents. Obviously we’re all entitled to our opinions here on the old Interwebs, and I’m not going to stop people from speculating till their brains ooz out of their ears, BUT, it does make me sad…because whatever Apple has up its sleeves is never going to live up to the hype that is building.

It rarely ever does.

Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

7 thoughts on “Anyone else getting Sick of Netbook/iPhone Video Rumors?

  1. “…that it’s getting to where I don’t want to check the RSS feeds.”

    I hear ya’! When stock analasysts start talking about new unreleased Apple products i sigh deeply.
    I think this is a manipulation of the market, hyping up a product that they know Apple would never release and when the magic tuesday comes, the magic is gone.

  2. i agree… I like the new thing first, it’s in my nature. (i’m already running iPhone 3.0 as a developer…) However, I miss the days of not knowing. Nowadays, there’s no more “one more thing”, there’s no more “boom”. Everything is either leaked, pre-released, guessed, or made up by someone who just got lucky.
    If there is a tablet coming, I’ll probably buy it. But I don’t want to see or hear about it until someone stands on a stage and pulls it out of their pocket/mailing envelope/wherever.

  3. “Is Apple going to release a Netbook/iTablet? It’s certainly possible. Do bloggers know what it’s going to be based on other products that other companies have put out? No…”

    Why slam speculation and market “analysis”? Very few people commenting on the netbook theory are suggesting that an Apple netbook would be a plain-jane compact notebook. If anything, almost everyone expects an Apple netbook to be unique in some manner, and not copying what other companies have put out.

    “I think it’s a shame that people are even using the term “Netbook” in describing whatever this device may be – because if it does exist, chances are, it’s not going to be priced in the range of current Netbooks.”

    What does that have to do with calling it a netbook? A netbook is not defined purely by a small price-point, merely a smaller footprint and computational power as compared to a typical notebook computer. Would you be happier if bloggers called it a “luxury netbook” or a “sub-compact”?

    I’d much rather hear your thoughts on why the rumours/speculation are wrong than hearing a rant on how you hate to read the rumours/speculation in the first place; if we wanted to reflect on how annoying the rampant speculation can be, we’d just look at our own RSS feeds. 😉

  4. @WyldKard

    the Netbook is generally thought of as an inexpensive computer. People think of them as cheaper, which is why they’re selling so well. The comic book industry, for example, seems to bring this thing up every week as the savior of the industry, even though no one points out that its going to cost close to a grand…which is WAY more than most of them are going to be willing to pay for a device to read their digital comics on.

    But honestly, I get tired of writing about why the rumors and speculation are wrong 🙂 I feel like I’m shouting into a room full of people that just don’t care (and in this analogy the room is the blogosphere, not the site, because those of you that do comment obviously care) and are enjoying stirring things up – even if they know they’re not true.

  5. I feel your pain on all the netbook and video camera crap going around

    but the thing I have to remember is…as long as they are talking you are important…and no matter whether the press is good or bad…it’s always a good sign that you are still of worth and value

    and my feeling is…the more people talk about something they want…the better chance of them getting something close to what they want…

    I agree…whatever iTablet/macbook nano Apple finally comees out with will NOT BE ANYWHERE NEAR THE PRICE OF A NETBOOK…

    and if you notice your spell check on mac leopard…NETBOOK isn’t even a real word yet…lol
    it gives suggestions like NET-BOOK, NET BOOK & NETBACK…LMAO

    again I feel your pain…and still love you for it…

  6. Sorry, I love your blog but I am getting a bit annoyed when you start this whining about other blogs and news.

    Why making news about what you consider no news??


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