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20 Incredible Tributes to Steve Jobs

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Steve Jobs was one of us. The ultimate anti-establishment rebel who became the establishment, yet refused to play by anyone else’s rules. A geek kid from California who dropped out of college, played with electronics in his garage, and over the course of his 56 years, changed the world forever. Jobs’ fans and admirers are paying tribute to him today in whatever ways they know how, and here are 20 of the best.

This is not a comprehensive list, so please don’t be offended if a great tribute has been left out. This is merely a compilation of moving tributes that have passed before my eyes.

Spontaneous memorials are popping up at Apple Stores all over the world. This is one of the best and most artful pictures of this I've seen.


Apple HQ honored its fallen founder by lowering its flags to half mast.


19-year-old Jonathan Mak poses with his silhouette design that's spread like wildfire across the Internet in the wake of Jobs' death.

[Source] [Mak’s original posting of the image can be found here. ForeverGeek’s own Jayvee Fernandez used Mak’s design to make a lovely, minimalist wallpaper that you can download here.]

There’s a video making the rounds called “The Crazy Ones” of Steve Jobs himself narrating a TV commercial about the people throughout history who have changed the world, such as Albert Einstein and John Lennon. It’s a great video, but as a tribute, I like this one which takes the same idea but uses the better-known narration (by what sounds like Richard Dreyfuss) but substitutes the original imagery with a timeline of Jobs’ life and successes. [Source]

A perfect symbol for the sentiments of many.


This artist used the Apple icon as a paint brush to create this striking portrait.


Popular blog created one of the most clever tributes to Jobs on the Web by temporarily altering their design to resemble an old school Mac.


Candles arranged on the sidewalk outside of Steve Jobs' home.


A stylized wallpaper for the faithful.


“In every generation there are great thinkers and people that have the vision of what can be and then have the energy, the skill, and the genius to make it happen. Steve Jobs is definitely one of those rare individuals, and the world’s gonna miss him a lot.”

International Space Station Commander Mike Fossum, 10/6/11

[Source] [Thanks, Noemi!]

Steve Jobs was always a very quotable man, and this tribute uses his own words to create a portrait.


A cartoonish, "paper cut-out" tribute that pays homage to his work at both Apple and Pixar.


A nicely done "Sketch-A-Day" tribute.


A cool, Tron-esque 3D glass render.


This one's titled "There's One More Thing..."


Guy Kawasaki, former Apple Evangelist, was scheduled for an Internet-based speaking engagement to talk about Facebook marketing techniques. But ten minutes before the event began, he heard the news. Needing to reminisce about his old friend, he threw out his marketing speech and spent the next hour talking about Steve Jobs. The result is a raw, unfiltered, emotion-filled look back at Jobs from the perspective of someone who actually knew him. And it’s kinda beautiful. [Source]

"Stay hungry, stay foolish" is quickly becoming Jobs' best-known quote.


Strikes just the right tone of sadness.


I'd have been more surprised if there wasn't at least one good LEGO tribute.


A mosaic of Apple products makes up this image, based on how Jobs appeared in the last years of his life.


Picture of Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo

Kokou Adzo is a stalwart in the tech journalism community, has been chronicling the ever-evolving world of Apple products and innovations for over a decade. As a Senior Author at Apple Gazette, Kokou combines a deep passion for technology with an innate ability to translate complex tech jargon into relatable insights for everyday users.

One thought on “20 Incredible Tributes to Steve Jobs

  1. Steve’s display of innovative success was a message to be shared with visual creators, he inspired a generation that is now completely visual in part because his success. If you could repost this message, not just to all of those that create; but also to those who don’t; Jobs provided us with a with a great gift, and the ultimate recipe to success: take a risk and fail at what you absolutely love, and live to tell about it. As long as you’re living through your work, there is absolutely no way you will not succeed.

    If you could repost this message, i would be forever grateful.



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